This is the implementation of the DCSP paper in tensorflow. The network architecture is inspired from the DeepLab-v2 model, and the tensorflow reimplementation of the DeepLab-v2 is used.
When using this code, please cite our paper:
title={Discovering Class-Specific Pixels for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation},
author={Arslan Chaudhry and Puneet K. Dokania and Philip H. S. Torr},
journal={British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)},
Please refer to our paper for the full details of our model. The attention and segmentation models are based on DeepLab-v2 with an additional convolutional layer to obtain fully convolutional attention maps. For saliency cues, we used DHSNet as an off-the-shelf saliency detector. One can use saliency detector of one's choice. Please cite the respective work when using their code. We use our Hierarchical Saliency algorithm to improve the saliency maps (refer to our paper for details). The code in this repository assumes that saliency maps have already been obtained off-line prior to running the scripts in this repository.
TensorFlow needs to be installed before running the scripts. TensorFlow v1.1.0 is supported.
To install the required python packages (except TensorFlow), run
pip install -r requirements.txt
or for a local installation
pip install -user -r requirements.txt
The initialization and pretrained models are provided here. The model uses the ImageNet initialization of ResNet-101, except for the last fc*
layers where the weights are initialized by the gaussian with 0
mean and 0.01
standard deviation, and biases with 0
One can use the initialization model provided above or can convert the vanilla .caffemodel
of ResNet-101. To convert the initialization model from the caffemodel
, download the appropriate .caffemodel
file, and install Caffe to TensorFlow dependencies. The Caffe model definition is provided in misc/deploy.prototxt
To extract weights from .caffemodel
, run the following:
python /path/to/deploy/prototxt --caffemodel /path/to/caffemodel --data-output-path /where/to/save/numpy/weights
As a result of running the command above, the model weights will be stored in /where/to/save/numpy/weights
. To convert them to the native TensorFlow format (.ckpt
), simply execute:
python /where/to/save/numpy/weights --save-dir=/where/to/save/ckpt/weights
To train the network, one can use the augmented PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset with 10582
images for training and 1449
images for validation. We do not make use of pixel-level annotations of the training/ validation sets and only use the image tags.
Prepare the dataset by extracting the JPEG images and image tags from the PASCAL_VOC2012 dataset in a directory. Please consult the list dataset/train_labels_only.txt
in the repository for the names of the directories and corresponding files. For ease of use, extracted image tags are provided here. Save the saliency masks (in the Saliency
folder) at the same level where JPEGImages and ImageTags are stored. Please see the list dataset/train_attn_sal_labels.txt
in the repository for reference. Note that we have used DHSNet to generate saliency masks. A sample
file which uses Hierarchical Saliency algorithm to generate improved saliency masks is added in this repository. Add this file in the Caffe code of the DHSNet to generate saliency masks.
Once the files are extracted as per the lists described above, one can start training the dcsp model.
is the main script which trains both the attention and segmentation model. To train the model, run the
script with the appropriate command-line options. To see the documentation on each of the training settings, run the
script with the --help
python --help
One example run of the training script is shown below:
python --data-dir /home/mac/Downloads/DataSets/ --classfc-data-list ./dataset/train_labels_only.txt --segment-data-list ./dataset/train_attn_sal_labels.txt --classfc-steps 30000 --adapt-after 10000 --restore-from /home/mac/Downloads/resnet_pretrained_classification/model.ckpt --attn-snapshot-dir ./snapshots_attn_network --snapshot-dir ./snapshots_segmentation_network
Once the training script exits, the segmentation model is stored in the directory pointed by --snapshot-dir
To evaluate the model, run the
script with appropriate command line options. The documentation on each of the evaluation option can be obtained by running:
python --help
One example run of the training script is shown below:
python --data-dir ~/Downloads/DataSets/PASCAL_VOC_Aug/ --data-list ./dataset/val.txt --num-steps 1449 --restore-from ./snapshots_segmentation_network/model.ckpt-20000
The CRF post-processing is embedded in the evaluation script. To turn-off the CRF post-processing comment out the lines number 98, 99 from the
With CRF post-processing the model gives the mIOU of 60.8%
on PASCAL VOC val set.
A training script
is provided that allows one to generate segmentation mask in a directory, that can latter be uploaded to the PASCAL VOC evaluation/ test server. Run the
script with appropriate options to generate the segmentation masks in a directory. The documentation on each of the option can be obtained by running:
python --help
On the test set of PASCAL VOC the model achieves the mIOU of 61.9%
- For questions, please contact the author Arslan Chaudhry ([email protected]).
- Please open the bugs against this repository. Any comment/ improvement would be highly appreciated.