A minimal implementation of GPT-2 in Rust and C++.
This is a barebones implemenation of GPT-2 in Rust and C++. We also implement a minimal Tensor Library for the same. Currently, this only supports inference on the GPT-2 model with float32 weights on CPU.
If you're at NYU CS, here is how to setup the enviroment on crunchy5
. Check if you have cargo (for Rust) installed using cargo -V
else you can to install it from rustup.
Ensure you have enough disk space in your home directory, else you can run this all in /scratch
module load cmake-3
module load gcc-9.2
module load python-3.10
# install cargo if not available
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
Download the weights from dropbox into the python folder. Check the md5sum of the weights matches.
cd python
wget -O model_weights.zip "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wvz1tk6e34s7jhwbsmo46/model_weights.zip?rlkey=7b1mu9qsn1y593u64awpglmyz&dl=0"
unzip model_weights.zip
# md5sum model_weights.json
# b6bee56f309b9f026798b1cf93dbd520 model_weights.json
If you can't download the weights, you can create the weights using the code in the python folder.
cd python
pip install -r requirements.txt
python get_gpt_weights.py
For the rust implementation, use the -t for no. of threads, -n for no. of tokens to generate, and -m for the model path in json format.
cd rust;
cargo build --release;
./target/release/gptx -t 8 -n 20 -m ../python/model_weights.json
For the CPP implementation, the same commands apply.
cd cpp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
./gptx -t 8 -n 20 -m ../../python/model_weights.json
After building the binaries for both the projects, run the scripts for the threads like in the scripts
cd rust
sh ../scripts/rust.sh
cd cpp
sh ../scripts/cpp.sh
Plot the results using the script in python
cd python
python plot_benchmarks.py
We experiment with parallelizing the tensor multiplications using multi-threading, using the rayon crate for rust and OpenMP for C++.