A collection of custom filter scripts for the Minecraft world editor MCASelector.
Filters do not modify the world, they only select the chunks where the filter is true.
- ContainsBiomes | Select all chunks that contain any of the specified biomes
- FindMobs | Output the location of all the mobs of the specified type to a file
Modifiers DO modify the world and don't select any chunks.
As always when using MCA Selector, make a backup before using!
- ChestFiller | Fill all chests with the specified item(s)
- ReplaceBiomes | Replace one or more biomes with another biome
- ReplaceBiomePairs | Perform multiple biome replacements with unique source & destination biomes
- ReplaceBlocks | Replace one or more blocks with another block
- ReplaceBlockPairs | Perform multiple block replacements with unique source & destination blocks
If you need a filter that does xyz, please open an issue, and I'll take it on when I have time.
You can also just create a PR if you want to add your own filters.