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🃏 MemoryCardGame

Version Documentation

A memory card game developed using React.js. Inspired by country balls and utilizing TypeScript, Vite, React, and the REST Countries API. Developed for The Odin Project's curriculum.

✨ Demo

MemoryCardGame Demo

📜 Docs


npm install

Installs dependencies.


npm run dev

Starts the development server with Vite.


npm run test

Runs the tests with Jest.


npm run watch

Runs the test runner in watch mode.


npm run build

Builds the app for production to the dist directory.

🚀 Manual Deployment

Deploy to GitHub Pages from dist directory.

  1. Remove the dist directory from .gitignore.

  2. Create production bundle:

npm run build
  1. Make sure git knows about your subtree (the subfolder with your site).
git add dist && git commit -m "Initial dist subtree commit"
  1. Use subtree push to send it to the gh-pages branch on GitHub.
git subtree push --prefix dist origin gh-pages

📖 Lessons Learned

  • Understanding Project Setup: Learned to create a new React project from scratch and organize the folder structure effectively.
  • Component Planning: Gained experience in planning features and components required for a project, including managing and structuring them within a React application.
  • State Management with Hooks: Utilized React hooks to manage and utilize state efficiently within the application.
  • API Integration: Implemented fetching data from an external API, such as Giphy or the Pokemon API, and displaying this data within the application.
  • Dynamic Card Display: Created functionality to display cards randomly and ensured this function is invoked when the component mounts.
  • Scoreboard Implementation: Developed a scoreboard to track the current and highest scores achieved, enhancing the game’s interactivity.
  • Styling and Presentation: We focused on styling the application to make it visually appealing and ready for showcase.
  • Deployment and Version Control: Pushed the project to GitHub and learned the steps for deploying the application, ensuring it is accessible online.
  • Community Engagement: Understood the importance of community contributions and open-source projects in enhancing learning and development.


👤 Arys Aikyn