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This is a PCB designed in KiCAD as a demo for Seattle Makers.

It's based on Arduino based Mouse Jiggler published on GitHub. MAKERSUN99 published the schematic and the PCB as a PDF so the circut and basic layout is clear, but not the original KiCAD files.

It is a good demo because it can be incrementally designed. At its core, it is a USB A male connector and an ATTINY85. The ATTINY can do raw GPIO manipulation to handle USB connectivity and so it can emulate a mouse.

But USB devices should have ESD protection and so you can add that as a pair of zener diodes and a capacitor.

Similarly, the ATTINY is supposed to have a capacitor close to VCC to condition power for it.

Once that is done, you still ought to have a way to program the ATTINY so, you can add a 1x5 pin header to connect to VCC, GND, PB2, PB3,and PB4.

After that, it's nice to have a LED and an associated resistor to show activity.

Finally, you can add a WS2812B/NeoPixel for more interesting light effects.

Steps to build it in KiCAD


Part Description Manufacturer Part Number LCSC Part Number
100nF Capacitor CL21B104KBCNNNC C1711
100uF Capacitor CL31A107MQHNNNE C15008
Zener Diode MM1Z5226B C118713
LED XL-2012VRC C7371913
1x5 male header DS1021-1x5SF11-B C7430361
NeoPixel WS2812B-B/T C2761795
68 Ohm Resistor FRC0805J680 TS C2907341
1.5k Ohm Resistor FRC0805J152 TS C2907290
220 Ohm Resistor FRC0805J221 TS C2933537
10k Ohm Resistor FRC0805J103TS C2930231
ATTiny85 MPU ATTINY85-20SU C89852
Male USB A Connector KH-USB180-AM-4P C2828094

KiCAD has the footprints and symbols for most of the above, but you need to get the footprints from LCSC for three. To do that run this PowerShell:

cd $env:TEMP
python -m venv easyeda2kicad\.venv
. .\easyeda2kicad\.venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
easyeda2kicad.exe --full --lcsc_id=C2761795
easyeda2kicad.exe --full --lcsc_id=C89852
easyeda2kicad.exe --full --lcsc_id=C2828094