This is a PCB designed in KiCAD as a demo for Seattle Makers.
It's based on Arduino based Mouse Jiggler published on GitHub. MAKERSUN99 published the schematic and the PCB as a PDF so the circut and basic layout is clear, but not the original KiCAD files.
It is a good demo because it can be incrementally designed. At its core, it is a USB A male connector and an ATTINY85. The ATTINY can do raw GPIO manipulation to handle USB connectivity and so it can emulate a mouse.
But USB devices should have ESD protection and so you can add that as a pair of zener diodes and a capacitor.
Similarly, the ATTINY is supposed to have a capacitor close to VCC to condition power for it.
Once that is done, you still ought to have a way to program the ATTINY so, you can add a 1x5 pin header to connect to VCC, GND, PB2, PB3,and PB4.
After that, it's nice to have a LED and an associated resistor to show activity.
Finally, you can add a WS2812B/NeoPixel for more interesting light effects.
Part Description | Manufacturer Part Number | LCSC Part Number |
100nF Capacitor | CL21B104KBCNNNC | C1711 |
100uF Capacitor | CL31A107MQHNNNE | C15008 |
Zener Diode | MM1Z5226B | C118713 |
LED | XL-2012VRC | C7371913 |
1x5 male header | DS1021-1x5SF11-B | C7430361 |
NeoPixel | WS2812B-B/T | C2761795 |
68 Ohm Resistor | FRC0805J680 TS | C2907341 |
1.5k Ohm Resistor | FRC0805J152 TS | C2907290 |
220 Ohm Resistor | FRC0805J221 TS | C2933537 |
10k Ohm Resistor | FRC0805J103TS | C2930231 |
ATTiny85 MPU | ATTINY85-20SU | C89852 |
Male USB A Connector | KH-USB180-AM-4P | C2828094 |
KiCAD has the footprints and symbols for most of the above, but you need to get the footprints from LCSC for three. To do that run this PowerShell:
cd $env:TEMP
python -m venv easyeda2kicad\.venv
. .\easyeda2kicad\.venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
easyeda2kicad.exe --full --lcsc_id=C2761795
easyeda2kicad.exe --full --lcsc_id=C89852
easyeda2kicad.exe --full --lcsc_id=C2828094