- setup k3d cluster
k3d cluster create argo-wf --api-port 6550 -p "30000-30080:30000-30080@server:0" --agents 2
cat ~/.kube/config
- install & configure argo-workflows, minio and rabbitmq on k3d
- install argo-workflows
kubectl create ns argo-events
kubectl apply -n argo-events -f
- install minio
helm repo add bitnami
helm install minio bitnami/minio -n minio --create-namespace --set auth.rootPassword=Shlonski2712
- install rabbitmq
helm install rabbitmq bitnami/rabbitmq -n rabbit --create-namespace --set auth.password=pass
- install mongodb
helm install mongodb bitnami/mongodb -n mongodb --create-namespace --set auth.rootPassword=pass
- expose all services
kubectl patch svc minio -p '{"spec": { "type": "NodePort", "ports": [ {"port":9000, "nodePort": 30010 },{"port":9001, "nodePort": 30011 } ] } }' -n minio
kubectl patch svc rabbitmq -p '{"spec": { "type": "NodePort", "ports": [ {"port":15672, "nodePort": 30005 },{"port":5672, "nodePort": 30004 } ] } }' -n rabbit
kubectl patch svc mongodb -p '{"spec": { "type": "NodePort", "ports": [ {"port":27017, "nodePort": 30015 } ] } }' -n mongodb
kubectl patch svc argo-server -p '{"spec": { "type": "NodePort", "ports": [ {"port":2746, "nodePort": 30001 } ] } }' -n argo-events
- install argo-events
kubectl create namespace argo-events
kubectl apply -f
# Install with a validating admission controller
kubectl apply -f
#setup the event buss
kubectl apply -n argo-events -f
- setup minio or use argo's
- check mc connection & create bucket
./mc alias set minio/ http://localhost:30010 admin Shlonski2712
./mc mb minio/new-files
./mc policy set public minio/new-files
./mc mb minio/photos
./mc policy set public minio/photos
./mc mb minio/thumbnails-todo
./mc policy set public minio/thumbnails-todo
./mc mb minio/thumbnails
./mc policy set public minio/thumbnails
./mc ls minio
check ui connection - http://localhost:30011
setup rabbit message on add file
check ui connection - localhost:30005
create rabbit exchange for files events
//get rabbitmqadmin -cli wget chmod +x rabbitmqadmin //create exchange + queue and bind them ./rabbitmqadmin -H localhost -P 30005 -u user -p pass declare exchange name=new-file type=direct durable=false ./rabbitmqadmin -H localhost -P 30005 -u user -p pass declare queue name=new-files durable=true ./rabbitmqadmin -H localhost -P 30005 -u user -p pass declare binding source="new-file" destination_type="queue" destination="new-files" routing_key="new-file"
- setup minio - endpoint notification - AMQP
./mc admin config set minio notify_amqp:rabbitmq url="amqp://user:[email protected]:5672" exchange="new-file" exchange_type="direct" durable="false" routing_key="new-file" ./mc admin service restart minio
- setup minio - set bucket notification
./mc event add minio/new-files arn:minio:sqs::rabbitmq:amqp --event put
setup argo-workflows to handle new file
- setup an event source for new files
kubectl apply -f ./k8s-yaml/ampq-onboarding/argo-amqp-eventsource.yaml -n argo-events
- configure a service account to handle the event
//create service account kubectl -n argo-events create sa argo-sensor-sa //create a cluster-role (this case cluster wide) kubectl create clusterrole deployments-watcher --verb=list,watch,create,update,get --resource=deployments.apps,pods, //bind the cluster role to the service account kubectl create clusterrolebinding deployments-watcher-clusterrole-binding --clusterrole=deployments-watcher --serviceaccount=argo-events:argo-sensor-sa
- deploy the event sensor
kubectl apply -f ./k8s-yaml/ampq-onboarding/argo-amqp-sensor.yaml -n argo-events