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Proxy server written in Rust
- Written in 100% Safe Rust
- Multi-threaded connection handler
- Lightweight (Less than 0.6% CPU usage while surfing the web/streaming YouTube)
- Standalone binary (no system dependencies)
1+ Gb/second
connection speeds (On Gigabit LAN network over ethernet. Results may vary!)- Tunable logging (by flags or
environmental variable) SOCKS5
Compatible Authentication methods:NoAuth
- Username & Password
docker image pull atareao/merino:latest
Make this config file config.yml
- username: username
password: password
active: true
- username: username1
password: password1
active: true
- username: username2
password: password2
active: false
- addr: www.google.es
active: true
- addr: www.google.com
active: true
If you don't want to restrict acces to any fqdn, simple fqdns: []
docker compose up -d