USF2Plugin is a simple soundfont player plugin.
Not very interesting at the moment, except that the entire code can be released under very liberal license (MIT | ISC).
- implement GUI.
- add app configuration to store SF2 directory catalog (app settings, GUI).
- save SF2 relative file paths as a plugin state item.
- make it possible to specify initial program and save it as a plugin state item (alongside program change MIDI message).
USF2Plugin is released under the MIT license.
USF2Plugin uses the following third-party libraries and resources.
- DISTRHO/DPF - the ISC license.
- schellingb/TinySoundFont - the MIT license. I made some changes and this app references my forked version (for better float buffer rendering).
- mrbumpy409/GeneralUser-GS - "do whatever you want" kind of
- Tracktion/choc - the ISC license.