Tokenomia aims to simplify the use of Native Tokens and Smart Contracts above the Cardano Platform for the needs of Smart Chain Developments.
Shelley Wallet Management |
List registered wallets |
Create a wallet |
Remove an existing Wallet |
Restore Wallets from your 24 words seed phrase (e.g from Deadalus Wallet) |
Create a collateral |
Native Token |
Mint and Burn (Fix Total Supply, one-time Minting and open Burning Policy) |
Transfer tokens |
Transfer ADA |
Vesting |
Vest Funds (using the official plutus-use-case vesting validator) |
Retrieve Funds |
Regarding our personal objectives at Smart Chain, we are aiming to release services on Cardano Mainnet soon and so we can't wait for the PAB to come... From this particular context, we are exactly doing what Nigel Hemsley is describing during the Mid Month Development Update - October which was a part of the Capstone Hackathon Subject for EMEA Europe Region.
We are using a mix of different approaches :
- The normal way where we directly use cardano-api and cardano-cli
- The shorter way where we are calling the command shells via haskell code (using shh)
After a few iterations now, we start seeing the patterns we were looking for by bypassing the Contract Monad (Also explained by Nigel Hemsley in the update video) :
- Preconditions/Assertions
- Coin Selection
- Tx Building
A good simple example could be the creation of collateral for a wallet (here)
- Validator error Opacity : When you have a validator failing, this is the kind information you will get :
Command failed: transaction build Error: The following scripts have execution failures:
the script for transaction input 1 (in the order of the TxIds) failed with:
The Plutus script evaluation failed: An error has occurred: User error:
The provided Plutus code called 'error'.
Solution : Since the validators are deterministics, it's sufficient to retrieve only the information given to the validator into cardano-cli.
So, We have traced into cardano-ledger-specs this way to be able to improve the transparency (here).
- The Vesting : without the chain-index, we had to keep locally some information (e.g : the params embedded into the vesting validators)
is saving information at ~/.tokenomia-cli/
into the following folders
- You'll find all the information about the wallets you are using in tokenomia
- e.g :
are 2 "wallets" used in the Testenet generated into thetestnet/keys
: you'll find the monetary policy plutus scripts of the Native Tokens you mint via Tokenomiatransactions
folder is used for building transactionsvalidators
: you'll find the vesting validators and a record of all the vesting you'll have done via Tokenomia (required for retrieving the funds vested)tmp
: mainnly used for recording datums and redeemers data
here is a simple example of the structure :
-- testnet
|-- keys
| |-- Athena
| | |-- mnemonics.txt
| | |-- payment-signing.skey
| | |-- payment-signing.xsk
| | |-- payment-verification.vkey
| | |-- payment-verification.xvk
| | |-- payment.addr
| | |-- public-key.hash
| | |-- root.xsk
| | `-- stake.xvk
| |-- Jupiter
| | |-- mnemonics.txt
| | |-- payment-signing.skey
| | |-- payment-signing.xsk
| | |-- payment-verification.vkey
| | |-- payment-verification.xvk
| | |-- payment.addr
| | |-- public-key.hash
| | |-- root.xsk
| | `-- stake.xvk
| `-- Zeus
| |-- mnemonics.txt
| |-- payment-signing.skey
| |-- payment-signing.xsk
| |-- payment-verification.vkey
| |-- payment-verification.xvk
| |-- payment.addr
| |-- public-key.hash
| |-- root.xsk
| `-- stake.xvk
|-- monetary-policies
| `-- d14fee196d96d37f3ea149fac4b3ce326f724b706b70d67b45ef76de.plutus
|-- parameters
| `-- parameters-testnet.json
|-- tmp
| |-- 1457377353943883957.txt
| |-- 1785756855668231913.txt
| |-- 1968830820112713122.txt
| |-- 2569789401013764603.txt
| |-- 4122642902711131427.txt
| |-- 498428157451304989.txt
| |-- 5017803380174220559.txt
| |-- 5724876749071085794.txt
| |-- 5867046558793242961.txt
| |-- 7047104766165311267.txt
| `-- 7569565383380314696.txt
|-- transactions
| |-- 19460e5550bfad26c17a557b32d421ba.raw
| |-- 19460e5550bfad26c17a557b32d421ba.signed
| |-- 19a6ec39ea303e12e1b6e43421ef6a19.raw
| |-- 19a6ec39ea303e12e1b6e43421ef6a19.signed
| |-- 24b74da7af102de6307ddff796498cf1.raw
`-- validators
|-- 2c47033d5be3d6659c4b419f75098d32919df881d9aa8e9ef721caeb.plutus
`-- vesting.index
-- mainnet ...
- The same used in the plutus starter project.
- You need to install
1.30.1 as well, see cardano-node project
nhenin@ubuntu ~/d/tokenomia (main)> nix-shell
[nix-shell:~/dev/tokenomia]$ cabal run tokenomia:exe:tokenomia-cli