The MVP form of this application will function as a simple crowdsourced public restroom locator. It will be the Wikipedia of public restrooms.
When a user is in need of a public restroom, they will be able to access the database in list form and filter by city and rating. If a listing is perceived as inaccurate, users will be able to update or delete the listing.
A post MVP version sees user authentication and a social media layer on top of the current idea.
- Create - user can create listing
- Read - user can view listings
- Update - user can add additional photos/reviews/ratings
- Delete - user can delete listings
- MongoDB + Mongoose
- Express.js
- React.js
- Node.js
Style and organization will be inspired by Airbnb's 2022 styling.
- user authentication
- map view
- proximity filter
- programiatically averaged ratings
- user to user interaction (post / comment / like / dislike)
MIT License