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Warning: Mighty is still in development without an official release! Use at your own peril and check back frequently for updates!

Welcome to Mighty, hopefully your future one-stop shop for everything cRL. Currently Mighty is still in its early stages with support for normal gym envs, DACBench and CARL. The interface is controlled through hydra and we provide DQN, PPO and SAC algorithms. We log training and regular evaluations to file and optionally also to tensorboard or wandb. If you have any questions or feedback, please tell us, ideally via the GitHub issues!

Mighty features:

  • Modular structure for easy (Meta-)RL tinkering
  • PPO, SAC and DQN as base algorithms
  • Environment integrations via Gymnasium, Pufferlib, CARL & DACBench
  • Implementations of some important baselines: MAML, PLR, Cosine LR Schedule and more!


We recommend to using uv to install and run Mighty in a virtual environment. The code has been tested with python 3.10.

First create a clean python environment:

uv venv --python=3.10
source .venv/bin/activate

Then install Mighty:

make install

Optionally you can install the dev requirements directly:

make install-dev

Run a Mighty Agent

In order to run a Mighty Agent, use the script and provide any training options as keywords. If you want to know more about the configuration options, call:

python mighty/ --help

An example for running the PPO agent on the Pendulum gym environment looks like this:

python mighty/ 'algorithm=ppo' 'environment=gymnasium/pendulum'

Learning a Configuration Policy via DAC

In order to use Mighty with DACBench, you need to install DACBench first. We recommend following the instructions in the DACBench repo.

Afterwards, select the benchmark you want to run, for example the SigmoidBenchmark, and providing it as the "env" keyword:

python mighty/ 'algorithm=dqn' 'env=SigmoidBenchmark' 'env_wrappers=[dacbench.wrappers.MultiDiscreteActionWrapper]'

Train your Agent on a CARL Environment

Mighty is designed with contextual RL in mind and therefore fully compatible with CARL. Before you start training, however, please follow the installation instructions in the CARL repo.

Then use the same command as before, but provide the CARL environment, in this example CARLCartPoleEnv, and information about the context distribution as keywords:

python mighty/ 'algorithm=dqn' 'env=CARLCartPoleEnv' '+env_kwargs.num_contexts=10' '+env_kwargs.context_feature_args=[gravity]'

Optimize Hyperparameters

You can optimize the hyperparameters of your algorithm with the Hypersweeper package, e.g. using SMAC3. Mighty is directly compatible with Hypersweeper and thus smart and distributed HPO!

Further Examples

We provide further examples, such as how to plot the logged evaluation data, in the examples folder.

Cite Us

If you use Mighty in your work, please cite us:

  author    = {A. Mohan and T. Eimer and C. Benjamins and F. Hutter and M. Lindauer and A. Biedenkapp},
  title     = {Mighty},
  year      = {2024},
  url = {},