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Releases: autopilotpattern/consul


16 Jun 13:17
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  • upgraded to ContainerPilot 3.0.0 (final) #39

This release is the first release with a new versioning scheme. Versioning is now (version of consul)r(most recent PR #). So for example, version 0.7.3r39 is Consul version 0.7.3, associated with PR #39

This image is available as autopilotpattern/consul:0.7.3r39 on the Docker Hub:


12 Jun 19:28
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  • updated to ContainerPilot 3.0.0-RC1
  • updated to Consul 0.7.3
  • testing improvements

Available as autopilotpattern/consul:0.7.3-r0.9 on the Docker Hub:


01 Feb 18:26
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  • Removed loopback DNS entry #29
  • Added preStop for Consul leave #31

Available as autopilotpattern/consul:0.7.2-r0.8 on the Docker Hub:


11 Jan 16:47
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  • Upgrade Consul to 0.7.2
  • Upgrade ContainerPilot to 2.6.0

Available as autopilotpattern/consul:0.7.2-r0.7.2 on the Docker Hub:


19 Sep 13:12
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  • Upgrade Consul to 0.7
  • Upgrade ContainerPilot to 2.4.1


27 Jun 15:29
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  • Use CNS to bootstrap the cluster #19 #14
  • Fixed race in startup #16
  • Use ContainerPilot service IP env vars to allow binding to specific address #17
  • General repo cleanup to match other autopilotpattern applications #13

Autopilot Pattern Consul 0.4

04 Apr 15:23
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This release is available on the Docker Hub as 0.4 tag

Triton trusted Consul v0.3

04 Apr 15:11
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This release is available on the Docker Hub as 0.3 tag

Triton trusted Consul v0.2

21 Dec 21:45
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  • Simplified the bootstrapping of Consul by using Containerbuddy health checks to join a cluster that's been primed with -bootstrap-expect (by @tgross in #3).

How it works

This demo first starts up a bootstrap node that starts the raft but expects 2 additional nodes before the raft is healthy. Once this node is up and its IP address is obtained, the rest of the nodes are started and joined to the bootstrap IP address (the value is passed in the BOOTSTRAP_HOST environment variable).

If a raft instance fails, the data is preserved among the other instances and the overall availability of the service is preserved because any single instance can authoritatively answer for all instances. Applications that depend on the Consul service should re-try failed requests until they get a response.

Any new raft instances need to be started with a bootstrap IP address, but after the initial cluster is created, the BOOTSTRAP_HOST IP address can be any host currently in the raft. This means there is no dependency on the first node after the cluster has been formed.


Please consult the for instructions on how to use this release.


24 Nov 14:51
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Triton trusted Consul v0.1

Consul in Docker, designed for availability and durability.

Prep your environment

  1. Get a Joyent account and add your SSH key.
  2. Install and the Docker Engine (including docker and docker-compose) on your laptop or other environment, along with the Joyent CloudAPI CLI tools (including the smartdc and json tools).
  3. Configure your Docker CLI and Compose for use with Joyent:
curl -O && chmod +x
 ./ -k <ACCOUNT> ~/.ssh/<PRIVATE_KEY_FILE>

Start a trusted Consul raft

  1. Clone or download this repo
  2. cd into the cloned or downloaded directory
  3. Execute bash to start everything up
  4. The Consul dashboard should automatically open in your browser, or follow the links output by the script

Use this in your own composition

Detailed example to come....

How it works

This demo actually sets up two independent Consul services:

  1. A single-node instance used only for bootstrapping the raft
  2. A three-node instance that other applications can point to

A running raft has no dependency on the bootstrap instance. New raft instances do need to connect to the bootstrap instance to find the raft, creating a failure gap that is discussed below. If a raft instance fails, the data is preserved among the other instances and the overall availability of the service is preserved because any single instance can authoritatively answer for all instances. Applications that depend on the Consul service should re-try failed requests until they get a response.

Each raft instance will constantly re-register with the bootstrap instance. If the boostrap instance or its data is lost, a new bootstrap instance can be started and all existing raft instances will re-register with it. In a scenario where the bootstrap instance is unavailable, it will be impossible to start raft instances until the bootstrap instance has been restarted and at least one existing raft member has reregistered.

Triton-specific availability advantages

Some details about how Docker containers work on Triton have specific bearing on the durability and availability of this service:

  1. Docker containers are first-order objects on Triton. They run on bare metal, and their overall availability is similar or better than what you expect of a virtual machine in other environments.
  2. Docker containers on Triton preserve their IP and any data on disk when they reboot.
  3. Linked containers in Docker Compose on Triton are actually distributed across multiple unique physical nodes for maximum availability in the case of node failures.

Credit where it's due

This project builds on the fine examples set by Jeff Lindsay's (Glider Labs) Consul in Docker work. It also, obviously, wouldn't be possible without the outstanding work of the Hashicorp team that made