This repo is no longer supported and will not receive any updates nor bug fixes, This code has been moved to the main Liquid repository and will be maintained there.
This repository is part of the Liquid Application Framework, a modern Dotnet Core Application Framework for building cloud native microservices.
The main repository contains the examples and documentation on how to use Liquid.
This package contains the repository subsystem of Liquid, along with several databases implementation. In order to use it, add the database package (Liquid.Repository.Mongo for example) you need to your project, along with the specific implementation that you will need.
Available Cartridges | Badges |
Liquid.Repository.Mongo | |
Liquid.Repository.EntityFramework |
This is a sample usage with MongoDb cartridge
To use Liquid.Repository in your solution, you just need to implement LiquidEntity inheritance, and inject ILiquid.Repository interface, as following
using Liquid.Repository;
public class MySampleEntity : LiquidEntity<int>
public override int Id { get => base.Id; set => base.Id = value; }
public string MyProperty { get; set; }
public int MyProperty2 { get; set; }
public DateTime MyProperty3 { get; set; }
Include dependency in domain class constructor, and invoke methods
public class SampleDomainClass
private ILiquidRepository<SampleEntity, int> _repository;
public SampleDomainClass((ILiquidRepository<SampleEntity, int> repository)
_repository = repository;
public async Task Handle()
var entity = await _repository.FindByIdAsync(123);
await _repository.UpdateAsync(entity);
Cartridge packages also provides registration methods for your repositories and configurations
//get the Entities configuration section name for Mongo DB
var entitiesConfigurationSectionName = "MyMongoDbSettings:Entities";
//this method, by default, will register Liquid.Core.TelemetryInterceptor (you can avoid that passing activateTelemetry: false as an argument)
//Mongo cartridge requires some options to configure the persistence of this Entity
services.AddLiquidMongoRepository<MySampleEntity, int>(entitiesConfigurationSectionName);
Once the startup or builder is configured using the extension methods as above, it will be necessary to set the Configuration.
sample using the appsettings file
"MyMongoDbSettings": {
"DefaultDatabaseSettings": {
"ConnectionString": "mongodb://",
"DatabaseName": "MySampleDatabase"
"Entities": {
"MySampleEntity": {
"CollectionName": "MySampleCollection",
"ShardKey": "Id"
There are other possible configurations you can use: For instance, if you don't want to customize the configuration section name, you can use the Liquid's default section name: "Liquid:RepositorySettings:Entities"
//just Add the Liquid cartridge withou any arguments and it will use the default configuration section name
services.AddLiquidMongoRepository<MySampleEntity, int>();
sample using the appsettings file with the default configuration section
"Liquid": {
"RepositorySettings": {
"DefaultDatabaseSettings": {
"ConnectionString": "mongodb://",
"DatabaseName": "MySampleDatabase"
"Entities": {
"MySampleEntity": {
"CollectionName": "MySampleCollection",
"ShardKey": "Id"
"AnotherSampleEntity": {
"CollectionName": "AnotherSampleCollection",
"ShardKey": "anotherKey"
It's also possible to configure more than one Mongo Database too. For that, you just need to link your Entity configuration to the Database configuration. And you can still have a DefaultDatabaseSettings for any Entity that you don't want to customize the database settings individually.
sample using the appsettings file with the default configuration section and more than one database
"Liquid": {
"RepositorySettings": {
"DefaultDatabaseSettings": {
"ConnectionString": "mongodb://",
"DatabaseName": "MySampleDatabase"
"Entities": {
"MySampleEntity": {
"CollectionName": "MySampleCollection",
"ShardKey": "Id"
"AnotherSampleEntity": {
"CollectionName": "AnotherSampleCollection",
"ShardKey": "anotherKey",
"DatabaseSettingsSectionName": "MyDatabaseSettings:MongoDB1"
"ThirdSampleEntity": {
"CollectionName": "ThirdSampleCollection",
"ShardKey": "partitionKey",
"DatabaseSettingsSectionName": "MyDatabaseSettings:MongoDB2"
"MyDatabaseSettings": {
"MongoDB1": {
"ConnectionString": "mongodb://",
"DatabaseName": "AnotherSampleDatabase"
"MongoDB2": {
"ConnectionString": "mongodb://",
"DatabaseName": "AnotherSampleDatabase"
Also, there is a simpler alternative to add the Liquid cartridge for all of your Entities (those that inherits from LiquidEntity)
//just Add the Liquid cartridge using the plural version of the extension method
To get more information of Liquid core features as Configuration and Telemetry see Liquid.Core Documentation
To get a guide of Web Api implementation using Liquid Application Framework see Liquid.WebApi Documentation