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10.0 | 10.0-javax

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@rbygrave rbygrave released this 10 Jul 08:58
· 241 commits to master since this release

Noteworthy changes from 9.x

The following three classes will continue to function, but have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release:

  • Plugin (use InjectPlugin instead)
  • Module (use AvajeModule instead)
  • PropertyRequiresPlugin (use ConfigPropertyPlugin instead)
  • AOP related classes/annotations have been moved to a separate artifact and added as a transitive dependency (those using JPMS will need to add requires io.avaje.inject.aop to use AOP)

  • All spi class implementations should now be registered as InjectExtension instances in JPMS.

  • to assist with the above, avaje spi service has been added as a transitive dependency of the generator

  • Qualifiers preserve their case (no longer forced lower case) for BeanEntry and @QualifierMap keys (but still use case insensitive matching for wiring)

New Features

  • Adds native support for wiring generic types across multi-module projects/libraries
  • Adds CDI-like event annotations and functionality via codegen
  • Adds a strictWiring flag to @InjectModule to determine multi-module wiring order at compile time.
  • Adds @External annotation for disabling validation for beans provided at runtime
  • The Maven/Gradle plugins now use the same version as avaje-inject instead of having separate versions

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 9.12...10.0