As I continue in my career as a navigator, I'm going to learn new tricks and meet some wise old people. I expect that when I learn more about the Celestial Navigation which is so dear to me, I will write more about it here. I also am active in a Facebook group where I'm learning new concepts from people with a very deep mastery of the subject. I believe that you also will learn a lot in your cruises and travels and if you do, I want to include it here so that we can tell future cadets, and keep this collection of documents evergreen. You don't have to learn LaTeX and the fancy shit I used to make the documents look nice. I did that because I thought it would be fun.
I want your feedback. I want your additions. I want your help. I want this collection to be practical, readable, applicable, useful, and free.
If you have something you'd like to add, make a pull request! If you notice a mistake I've made, use the 'Issues' tab on the github website. If you are a really good artist and want to draw diagrams, representations, or flowcharts, they can be added to this repository with git or you can email them to me at [email protected] and I'll put them here. I'll probably find some way to include them in one of the documents somehow or other. Same goes for any photography. Most of what I've written is just black text on white background and that can get a little boring. If you manage a really good photo, I'm sure it would make a great chapter heading, and this can feel a little more booklike.
If anything I've written here is too erudite and overcomplicated, please tell me. The goal is not to make myself look or feel smart. The goal is that nobody fails cruise for celestial, and especially that no ship is lost at sea. Anything I can do to make these documents more accessible is worth my effort.