This project was made to test multiple server-side HTML parsers, to compare their functionality to each other, and web browsers.
docker-compose down && docker-compose build --parallel; docker-compose up;
Then visit
Input HTML and click parse. The result will replace __PARSER__
with whatever parser was used, and (if checked) render the result in an iframe.
For example, <svg onload=console.log('__PARSER__')>
docker-compose down && docker-compose build --parallel; docker-compose up;
echo "html=<h1>lol</h1>"|docker exec -i parse_dotnet "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/parsehtml"
- Why CGI? WTF?
- I didn't feel like implementing web server/framework for every language.
- Why not newer docker-compose version?
- Because then it didnt work with podman
- Can you add XYZ parser/language?
- Maybe, but I wont be actively maintaining this project. Feel free to send a PR, or make a fork.
- Why
GPLMIT license?- Even though no future customer deserves to pay for this crappy code, I don't want any contributor to withhold code for the sake of avoiding "locking it into" a GPL-like license. So MIT it is.
- dotnet/AngleSharp
- dotnet/HtmlAgilityPack
- elixir/floki
- elixir/floki+fasthtml
- elixir/floki+html5ever
- golang/goquery
- golang/htmlquery
- java/jsoup
- node/node-html-parser
- node/cheeriojsdom
- node/parse5
- node/jsdom
- php/DOMDocument
- php/SimpleXML
- python/html.parser
- python/html5lib
- python/lxml
- ruby/nokogiri
- ruby/ox
- rust/scraper
- Use smaller base docker images
- Use a builder to make rebuilds faster
- More parsers
- Options for specific version of parser
- Make parsers return interesting standard data like tag count, first
etc - Make frontend better at comparing results
- Make an actual frontend