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Publish Release Drafter #3

Publish Release Drafter

Publish Release Drafter #3

name: Publish Release Drafter
workflows: ["Release-Build"]
- completed
if: ${{ github.event.workflow_run.conclusion == 'success' }}
uses: axonivy-market/github-workflows/.github/workflows/publish-release-drafter.yml@v5
# The following input parameters are available:
# - tag: (optional) Specifies the release tag (e.g., 'v10.0.0').
# If not provided, the most recent tag in the repository will be used by default.
# This ensures the workflow runs without requiring explicit tag input.
# - commitish: (optional) Indicates the branch name for the release.
# If not provided, it defaults to 'master'. For versioned releases,
# the workflow automatically checks for a corresponding branch
# (e.g., 'release/10.0' for version 10.0) and uses it if available.
# This allows the workflow to execute with default branch behavior.
# - publish: (optional) Controls whether the release is published automatically.
# Defaults to 'true'. Set to 'false' to create a draft release
# without immediate publication.
# Note: Both 'tag' and 'commitish' are configured to run with sensible defaults,
# so manual input is not required unless custom values are needed.
# Uncomment and modify the inputs as needed:
# with:
# tag: v10.0.0
# commitish: release/10.0
# publish: false