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BEAT (Bias-Eliminating Adapted Trees)

Eva Ascarza and Ayelet Israeli

Forked from


This package is not available on CRAN and must be built from source. On Windows you will need RTools from and on OS X you will need the developer tools documented in

Please note that this package only runs on R-4.2.3 or earlier, see installation instructions below.

First install the devtools package, then use it to install beat:

install.packages(c("devtools", "ggplot2")) ## ggplot2 only needed for example
devtools::install_version("RcppEigen", "") ## beat does not work with newer RcppEigen
devtools::install_version("RcppArmadillo", "") ## beat does not work with newer RcppArmadillo
devtools::install_github("ayeletis/beat")  ## do not update the RcppEigen or RcppArmadillo package if prompted

Changes relative to GRF

The package offers three new functions: balanced_causal_forest, balanced_regression_forest, balanced_probability_forest.

All arguments are the same as the original package, but there are two new inputs: target.weight.penalty indicates the penalty assigned to the protected attributes. target.weights is a matrix that includes the protected characteristics. X should not inlcude the protected characteristics.

See full details about the BEAT method in the original paper: Eliminating unintended bias in personalized policies using bias-eliminating adapted trees (BEAT)

Sample Usage



## ----------------------------------------------
##   Simulate some data
## ----------------------------------------------

n1 = 1000; #calibration 
n2 = 1000; #validation
p_continuous = 4  # number of continuous features (unprotected)
p_discrete = 3  # number of discrete features (unprotected)
p_demog = 1 # number of protected attributes
n = n1 + n2

# Features (unprotected)
X_cont = matrix(rnorm(n*p_continuous), n, p_continuous)
X_disc = matrix(rbinom(n*p_discrete, 1, 0.3),n,p_discrete)
X = cbind(X_cont,X_disc)

# Protected attributes, discrete and continuous, where the first one is correlated with X[,2]
Z = rbinom(n, 1, 1/(1+exp(-X_cont[,2])))

# Tau -- in this example in depends on X[2] but no on Z
tau <- (-1 + pmax(X[,1], 0) + X[,2] + abs(X[,3]) + X[,5]) 

# Random assignment
W = rbinom(n, 1, 0.5)

# Output for regression forest (no treatment)
Y_r =  X[,1] - 2*X[,2] + X[,4] + 3*Z + runif(n)   # Y is function of X, Z(demo)

# Output for causal forest
Y =  Y_r + tau*W   # Y is function of X, Z(demo), tau*W

train_data = data.frame(Y=Y[c(1:n1)], 
                        tau = tau[c(1:n1)], 
                        Y_r = Y_r[c(1:n1)])
test_data = data.frame(Y=Y[c((n1+1):(n1+n2))],
                       tau = tau[c((n1+1):(n1+n2))],
                       Y_r = Y_r[c((n1+1):(n1+n2))])

Xcols = grep("X", names(train_data), value=TRUE)
Zcols =grep('Z', names(train_data), value=TRUE)
## train
X_train = train_data[,c(4:10)]
W_train = train_data$W
Z_train = train_data[,2]
Y_train = train_data$Y
Y_r_train = train_data$Y_r

## test
X_test = test_data[,c(4:10)]
Z_test = test_data$Z

## model specs
num_trees = 2000
my_penalty = 10 # When penalty = 0 it corresponds to GRF

## ----------------------------------------------
##   Estimate Balanced Causal Forest 
## ----------------------------------------------
fit_causal_beat <- balanced_causal_forest(X_train, Y_train, W_train,
                                     target.weights = as.matrix(Z_train),
                                     target.weight.penalty = my_penalty,
                                     num.trees = num_trees)

## Predict CBT causal scores
cbt_causal_train = predict(fit_causal_beat)$predictions
cbt_causal_test = predict(fit_causal_beat, X_test)$predictions

## ----------------------------------------------
##   Estimate Balanced Regression Forest 
## ----------------------------------------------
fit_regression_beat <- balanced_regression_forest(X_train, Y_r_train,
                                       target.weights = as.matrix(Z_train),
                                       target.weight.penalty = my_penalty,
                                       num.trees = num_trees)

## Predict CBT regression scores
cbt_regression_train = predict(fit_regression_beat)$predictions
cbt_regression_test = predict(fit_regression_beat, X_test)$predictions

## ----------------------------------------------
##   Check balance in test scores
## ----------------------------------------------
dat.plot = data.table(cbt_causal = cbt_causal_test,
                      cbt_regr = cbt_regression_test,
                      true_causal = test_data$tau,
                      true_reg = test_data$Y_r,
                      Z = as.factor(Z_test))

p1 = ggdensity(data=dat.plot,
                   x='true_causal', color='Z', fill='Z', alpha=0.2, add = "mean", title='true causal')

p2 = ggdensity(data=dat.plot,
                   x='cbt_causal', color='Z', fill='Z', alpha=0.2, add = "mean", title='cbt causal')

p3 = ggdensity(data=dat.plot,
          x='true_reg', color='Z', fill='Z', alpha=0.2, add = "mean", title='true regression')

p4 = ggdensity(data=dat.plot,
          x='cbt_regr', color='Z', fill='Z', alpha=0.2, add = "mean", title='cbt regression')

grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol=2)



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Contributors 3

