>>>>>>>>(follow the below steps to configure the project)<<<<<<<<<
- Setup vscode and Install flutter (get help from kamal to install flutter) and android studio
- Kamal ko help milena bhane follow the steps from this link (sajilo chha) link: https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install/windows/mobile
- After flutter is installed then run the following commands (jun loacation ma project rakhnu man chha)
- Command 1: git clone https://github.com/ayruvedaAvi/Project-II.git
- Command 2: cd ./flutter_project
- Command 3: flutter pub get
- Command 5: git pull origin main
- Command 4: git checkout -b (your name for eg: ashutosh or kamal or subodh)
- You're good to go (do everything in your branch and push in your branch, I'll merge accordingly)
Aba click up ko tasks haru herne ani complete garne. Good luck bois