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PFB Bicycle Network Connectivity

Getting Started


Setting up AWS credentials and reating your development S3 bucket

Though the development environment runs locally for the most part, some functions require an S3 bucket. The deployment scripts also expect an AWS profile called 'pfb' to be configured.

As noted above, you will need to have the AWS CLI installed on your host machine. Once it is, you can configure your PFB account credentials by running:

aws configure --profile pfb

Then run the following commands to create and configure your development S3 bucket:

export AWS_PROFILE=pfb
export PFB_DEV_BUCKET="${USER}-pfb-storage-us-east-1"
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket $PFB_DEV_BUCKET
aws s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket $PFB_DEV_BUCKET --policy "{\"Statement\":[{\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Principal\":\"*\",\"Action\":\"s3:GetObject\",\"Resource\":\"arn:aws:s3:::${PFB_DEV_BUCKET}/*\"}]}"
aws s3api put-bucket-cors --bucket $PFB_DEV_BUCKET --cors-configuration "{\"CORSRules\":[{\"AllowedHeaders\":[\"Authorization\"],\"AllowedMethods\":[\"GET\"],\"AllowedOrigins\":[\"*\"],\"ExposeHeaders\":[],\"MaxAgeSeconds\":3000}]}"

Provisioning the development environment

Run ./scripts/setup to build the containers and prepare the development environment. This includes downloading and loading a fixture containing sample neighborhood and analysis data. To build the containers but skip loading the fixture, run ./scripts/update instead.

Running the development server

To start the application containers, run:


The development server can be found at http://localhost:9301/.

The migrations that get run by scripts/update will add a default admin user:

Username: [email protected]
Password: root

These credentials will work to log in to either the front-end admin (http://localhost:9301/#/login/) or the Django Rest Framework development interface (http://localhost:9200/api/).


Port Service Notes
9200 Nginx
9202 Gunicorn
9203 Django Runserver Not running by default. Must be started manually via scripts/django-manage
9214 Postgresql Allows direct connections to the database where an analysis run is stored
9301 Gulp Gulp server for analysis angular app
9302 Browsersync Browsersync for analysis angular app
9400 Tilegarden Tilegarden development server
9401 Browsersync Node debugger for Tilegarden development server


Name Description
setup Build application containers and import data fixture
update Re-build application Docker containers and run database migrations
server Start the application containers
console Start a bash shell on one of the running Docker containers
django-manage Run a Django management command on the django container
test Run unit tests and linters
cibuild Deployment script for building and testing container images
cipublish Deployment script for publishing container images to AWS ECR
infra Deployment script for deploying infrastructure on AWS

Running the Analysis

Local environments are not hooked up to Batch to run the analysis, so when you create a job locally, it doesn't automatically get run. Instead, when you create anaylsis job in the local admin UI, the logs for the Django container will print the appropriate command to run that analysis job locally, so you can just copy the command from there and run it. Look for the log message that says

[WARNING] Can't actually run development analysis jobs on AWS. Try this:

and copy the command right below it.

For more details on the parameters used by the script, and other ways of running the analysis, see Running the Analysis Locally.

Verifying the Analysis

The output from the analysis run may be compared to previous output to see if it has changed. See the section below for the input parameters used to generate the verified output.

Build the docker container for the verification tool:

cd src/verifier
docker compose build

Ensure the exported output from the analysis to check exists in the data/output directory. It will be there by default if the data directory was used for the neighborhood input shapefile.

To compare the analysis output for Boulder, run the verification tool with:

docker compose run verifier boulder.csv

Any output in the verified_output directory may be used for comparison.

To compare to analysis output that has a non-default filename (analysis_neighborhood_score_inputs.csv), run the verification tool with the name of the file in data/output as the second argument:

docker compose run verifier boulder.csv my_output_to_verify.csv

If there are any differences in the outputs, a summary of the differences will be printed to the console.

Verified Output Parameters

The analysis output in the verified_output directory was generated using the following input parameters and files:


Import crash data

Crash data is stored in the pfb-public-documents bucket under /data/ and gets loaded automatically via scripts/update. You can run this import manually with: ./scripts/django-manage import_crash_data

To run it using a zip in your own developer bucket under /data/ you can use the --dev flag, i.e. ./scripts/django-manage import_crash_data --dev