Laravel app deployment made easy with automated environment setup.
This script, when run, will perform the following actions on your server
- Create the web folder for your app
- Create a database for your app
- Create and configure a Nginx host file to server the app
- Create and configure a git-bare repository on the server for the app to manage your code deployments continuously
- Create and configure a post-receive git hooks for the git-bare repository to handle your code deployments (file permissions,mix compilation, composer packages install updates, code clean up, caching, various post deployments optimization...)
- Automatically install Let's Encrypt SSL certificate for your app
- Temporarily give granular permissions to the unix user in charge of the app maintenance only when deploying and removed after deployment
- Properly manage the app files access permissions for best security
- add a file to the /etc/sudoers.d/ folder to allow set-webfolder-permissions script file to set proper files and folders permissions after each future deployments
Recommended steps
Initial run to set up the full environment
After the initial run, add the newly created git-bare repo to your code source, the exact command to do this will be displayed like following after the initial run
add the remote git bare repository with the following git command git remote add production ssh://[email protected]/repositories/
Make your first push to the server from your local code base to deploy your code. Only for the first push, Debloy will detect the push and execute the laravel command to generate the app key.
After the initial push, you need to update the .env file of the new environment accordingly to your requirements.
If after the above steps your app has errors, try to clean and refresh your app caches with following commands
php artisan route:clear
php artisan config:clear
php artisan view:clear
php artisan cache:clear
Voilà! enjoy your newly created app.
Important notice:
As of now, you need to move to the folder where debloy script is installed (the folder containing
You must also run with sudo
- A linux server with ssh access
- A domain name pointing to the server
- A database server running on the server
- you'll need to provide an admin user with the right to create new databases
- A database dump file of your app database (optional)
- git installed on the server
- php-cli installed on the server
- php FPM installed on the server (socks path must be specified in the yaml config file)
- nginx installed on the server
- composer installed on the server
- setfacl command installed on the server
sudo apt-get install acl
on debian/ubuntu
Installation & Running
clone this repository on your server
git clone
move to the folder where debloy script is installed (the folder containing
)cd debloy
configure your yaml config file (see example below), it's advised to avoid using spaces in the file and folder names. Spaces are accepted in the composer command (
) config although. -
run with sudo
sudo -y stage-site-debloy.yml -d database-dump-file.sql
-y or --yaml-file the 'debloyment' yaml config file
-d or --database-dump-file database dump file
-h or --help View the help
'debloyment' yaml config file example
site-name: Debloy Web App # name of the app
mode: new #Deployment mode: new, update or override
environment: production #dev, stage, production or anything else
version: 9.0.0 #full laravel version e.g. 8.0.1, used to retrieve latest .env.example,...
username: username #remote server user name
email: [email protected]
executable: php #php executable name, edit if you want to use a custom command to run php during ci/cd, e.g. php7.4
composer-command: composer #composer executable name, edit if you want to use a custom command to run composer during ci/cd deployments, e.g. php7.4 /usr/local/bin/composer
fpm-sock: unix:/var/run/php8.1-fpm.sock
type: mysql #mysql
admin: #database admin credentials
user: root # the database admin username with all privileges
password: $$secured@password12345## # the database admin password
dbname: laravel # the database name
user: laravel # the database username
password: $$secured@password12345## # the database password
root-folder: /repositories/production # the root folder on the deployment server that contains your git-bare repositories
repo-name: # the git-bare repository name
type: nginx # the web server used to run the app: nginx only supported
user: www-data # the web server username
user-group: www-data # the web server user group name
folder: /var/www/html/production/ # app web root folder
enable-www: true #an additional domain name prefixed with 'www' will be used in the whole setup
production: #the production environment domain name of your web app
dev: #the dev environment domain name of your web app
stage: #the stage environment domain name of your web app
others: #list of others domain names used by your web app
enabled: true # if true, enables ssl for the app
letsencrypt: true # it true, automatically requests and sets up ssl from Let's Encrypt authority
compile-javascript: true # if true, compiles your mix config
Security & safety
After successfully running the script, do not forget to delete the yaml config file for security reasons.
If you do not want to delete the file, you should remove sensitive information like the database admin credentials and the app database credentials.
type: #mysql
admin: #database admin credentials
user: # the database admin username with all privileges
password: # the database admin password
dbname: # the database name
user: # the database username
password: # the database password
Bonus: recommended deployment architecture
this is a personal suggestion, feel free to user it or not.
Web folder
-> Structure: /var/www/html/{environment}/{app-domain}
Example1: /var/www/html/production/ in production environment
Example2: /var/www/html/stage/ in staging environment
Git bare repositories folder
-> Structure repositories folder: /var/repo/{environment}/{app-domain}.git
Example1: /var/repo/production/ in production environment
Example2: /var/repo/stage/ in staging environment
Nginx config folder
-> Structure: /etc/nginx/sites-available/{environment}.{app-domain} (no environment for production)
Example1: /etc/nginx/sites-available/ in production environment
Example2: /etc/nginx/sites-available/ in staging environment