cyber_map is a mobile application designed for offline map viewing and navigation. It has been primarily configured and tested for MacOS and Android, with the best experience currently offered on Android devices.
- Offline map viewing using .mbtiles files
- Landmark fetching and local storage for offline use
- Navigation instructions using a modified OSRM package
- On initial loading, the app will prompt you to select a .mbtiles file.
- The app is configured to open vector mbtiles following the OpenMapTiles Specification.
- Web tile sources are not currently supported.
To create your own map tiles:
Fetch OSM Data (in .osm.pbf format) from GeoFabrik.
Generate tiles using TileMaker with the following command:
tilemaker --config resources/config-openmaptiles.json --process resources/process-openmaptiles.lua your_map_file.mbtiles
Alternatively, you can use this pre-generated mbtiles file.
Landmark data is fetched from the Overpass API and stored locally for offline use.
Navigation instructions are provided using a modified version of the OSM-Routing-Client-Dart package.
- Primarily configure for and tested on MacOS and Android
- Best experience currently on Android devices
Contributions to improve compatibility with other platforms or enhance features are welcome. Please submit pull requests or open issues on the project repository.