🏝 Simplify Cloud Native Microservices development base on FastAPI and gRPC.
Documentation: https://bali-framework.github.io/bali/
Bali is a framework integrate FastAPI and gRPC. If you want to provide both HTTP and RPC, it can improve development efficiency.
It gives you the following features:
- A simple layout of file structure rule.
- Integrated
ORM and provide generic model methods. - Utilities of transform models to Pydantic schemas.
- GZipMiddleware included and GZip decompression enabled.
- 🍻 Resource layer to write code once support both HTTP and RPC

1. Python 3.7+
2. FastAPI 0.63+
3. grpcio>=1.32,<1.50
pip install bali-core # Bali framework
pip install bali-cli # Bali command line tool
Create Application
app = Bali() # Initialized App
# With bali-cli
bali run http
bali run rpc
bali run event
python main.py run --http # launch HTTP in development mode
python main.py run --rpc # launch RPC
python main.py run --event # launch Event
More usage of Application
: example
from bali import db
# connect to database when app started
# db is a sqla-wrapper instance
class User(db.Model):
__tablename__ "users"
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
todos = db.query(User).all()
More convenient usage, ref to SQLA-Wrapper
# using BaseModel
class User(db.BaseModel):
__tablename__ "users"
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
# BaseModel's source code
class BaseModel(db.Model):
__abstract__ = True
created_time = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), default=datetime.utcnow)
updated_time = Column(
DateTime(timezone=True), default=datetime.utcnow, onupdate=datetime.utcnow
is_active = Column(Boolean(), default=True)
SQLA-wrapper default model behavior is auto commit, auto commit will be disabled with db.transaction
with db.transaction():
item = Item.create(name='test1')
Operators provided get_filters_expr
to transform filters (dict) to SQLAlchemy expressions.
from bali.db.operators import get_filters_expr
from models import User
users = User.query().filter(*get_filters_expr(User, **filters)).all()
# generate pydantic schema from models
# `User` is a db.Model or db.BaseModel instance
from bali.schemas import model_to_schema
UserSchema = model_to_schema(User)
New in version 2.0.
Resource’s design borrows several key concepts from the REST architectural style.
Inspired by ViewSet
in Django REST Framework.
Actions' name according Standard methods
in Google API design guide
Generic HTTP/RPC support actions:
Action | Route | Method | RPC | Description |
get | /{id} | GET | Get{Resource} | Get an existing resource matching the given id |
list | / | GET | List{Resource} | Get all the resources |
create | / | POST | Create{Resource} | Create a new resource |
update | /{id} | PATCH | Update{Resource} | Update an existing resource matching the given id |
delete | /{id} | DELETE | Delete{Resource} | Delete an existing resource matching the given id |
Generic Actions examples:
# 1. import `Resource` base class
from bali.resources import Resource
# 2. implementation actions inherited from Resource
class GreeterResource(Resource):
schema = Greeter
def get(self, pk=None):
return [g for g in GREETERS if g.get('id') == pk][0]
def list(self, schema_in: ListRequest):
return GREETERS[:schema_in.limit]
def create(self, schema_in: schema):
return {'id': schema_in.id, 'content': schema_in.content}
def update(self, schema_in: schema, pk=None):
return {'id': pk, 'content': schema_in.content}
def delete(self, pk=None):
return {'id': pk, 'result': True} # using `id` instand of `result`
Custom actions also decorated by @action
, but detail
signature is required.
def custom_action(self):
has no default value.
means action to single resource, url path is '/{resources}/{id}'.
means action set of resources, url path is '/{resources}'.
If the default HTTP action template is not satisfied your request, you can override HTTP actions.
# Get the origin router
router = GreeterResource.as_router()
# Override the actions using the FastAPI normal way
def root():
return {"message": "Hello World"}
More usage of
: GreeterResource
New in version 2.1.
class UserResource(ModelResource):
model = User
schema = UserSchema
filters = [
{'username': str},
{'age': Optional[str]},
] # yapf: disable
permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated]
# import
from bali.mixins import ServiceMixin
class Hello(hello_pb2_grpc.HelloServiceServicer, ServiceMixin):
from bali import cache
# Usage example (API)
# Read cache
# Set cache
cache.set(key, value, timeout=10)
# Import the cache_memoize from bali core
from bali import cache_memoize
# Attach decorator to cacheable function with a timeout of 100 seconds.
def expensive_function(start, end):
return random.randint(start, end)
Optimized MessageToDict/ParseDict from google.protobuf.js_format
from bali.utils import MessageToDict, ParseDict
gRPC service tests
from bali.tests import GRPCTestBase
from service.demo import demo_service, demo_pb2, demo_pb2_grpc
class TestDemoRPC(GRPCTestBase):
server_class = demo_service.DemoService # Provided service
pb2 = demo_pb2 # Provided pb2
pb2_grpc = demo_pb2_grpc # Provided pb2 grpc
def setup_method(self): # Pytest setup
def teardown_method(self): # Pytest teardown
def test_demo(self):