Yash is a C++20 header-only minimal shell for embedded devices with support for command completion.
It was created as a serial port shell but can be used for other interfaces as well by using setPrint()
. The prompt can be customized with setPrompt()
and commands are added as a std::array which can be constexpr to save memory. The command history size can be adjusted by the constructor (default 10). An example can be seen below (taken from example.cpp and what is demoed in the image above).
#include <Yash.h>
#include <con.h>
void i2c(const std::string_view command, Yash::CommandArgs args)
if (command == "read")
printf("i2cRead(%s, %s, %s)\n", args[0].data(), args[1].data(), args[2].data());
else if (command == "write")
printf("i2cWrite(%s, %s, %s)\n", args[0].data(), args[1].data(), args[2].data());
void info(Yash::CommandArgs /* unused */)
int main()
static constexpr Yash::Config config { .maxRequiredArgs = 3, .commandHistorySize = 10 };
static constexpr auto commands = std::to_array<Yash::Command>({
{ "i2c read", "I2C read <addr> <reg> <bytes>", [](Yash::CommandArgs args) { i2c("read", args); }, 3 },
{ "i2c write", "I2C write <addr> <reg> <value>", [](Yash::CommandArgs args) { i2c("write", args); }, 3 },
{ "info", "System info", [](const auto args) { info(args); }, 0 }, // OR auto if preffered
Yash::Yash<config> yash(commands);
yash.setPrint([&](const char* str) { printf("%s", str); });
yash.setPrompt("$ ");
while (true)
return 0;