This project is a web application that allows users to easily track their income and expenses. The features of the project are as follows:
Balance: Shows users their current balance. Income and expenses affect the balance.
Income: Shows users their total earnings. Users can add new transactions to add income.
Expense: Shows users their total expenses. Users can add new transactions to add expenses.
Add New Transaction: Allows users to add income or expenses. The transaction type, amount, and description are entered. If it is an expense, the amount is written as negative (-). If it is income, the amount is written directly.
Transaction History: Shows users all the transactions they have added. Transactions are colored as income or expense. Users can click on the trash can icon to delete transactions.
Local Storage: The project uses the local storage feature to store user transactions in the browser. This way, users do not lose their data when they refresh or close the page.
Vue 3
Vue Toastification
Phosphor Icons