Losing a pet sucks. Getting other pet lovers to keep an eye out for your beloved pet has gotten much easier with facebook groups posting information, sharing posts and the like. This project aims to assist and enhance this using Facebook's graph api of lost pet pages and google maps to provide a visual map of lost pets in your geographic location.
git clone <<address goes here>>
All that is needed to get up and running with this project :
For Linux/OS X users you can simply run the ./install.sh
. It will run the required commands to install all dependancies and start a http server to work with.
If you are a Windows user you will need to use something like cgywin to run the shell script.
The npm
install comes with a simple http server node module.
To use it simply run :
node node_modules/http-server/bin/http-server
This project is currently all front end. There is no server side code and all apis used are javascript based.
The application makes use of require js to load all these aysnc libraries. First a request is made to get all the stories from Facebook's graph api. From there the list is parsed and sorted for valid tokens like "LOST","FOUND", "CAT", "DOG", "BIRD" etc. Also during the parse a location token is found.
This string is then used with google maps api geocoder which returns the lat,lng to place the marker. With marker the additional facebook data is added to information window on the marker and displays when clicked.
- Private keys are in javascript .. this is bad must fix. Get your own keys.
- Add configuration to extend and add multiple data points for getting stories from ( facebook public pages ).
- Look into using localStorage as a means to improve performance.
- Doing it all in the front end is going to suck for performance, we will need to use the facebook api server side and cache all the stories. From there we should also store geocoded addresses from previous addresses as we are severely limited in capacity for geocode lookups.