####Checkout instructions on lxplus:
cmsrel CMSSW_7_6_1
cd CMSSW_7_6_1/src/
####Basic Git Instructions
- Create your own fork of CMS-LUMI-POG/PCCTools (upper right)
- Check out the group's version of the tools (easiest way to keep in sync) a) git clone https://github.com/CMS-LUMI-POG/PCCTools
- Make a remote to your fork
a) git remote add YOURGITUSERNAME http://github.com/YOURGITUSERNAME/DataCert - Check in your edited files
a) git add file1 file2
b) git commit -m "file1 and file2 are changed because..." - push to YOUR fork in a BRANCH
a) git checkout -b update-whatiam-date
b) git push YOURGITUSERNAME update-whatiam-date - Make a pull request (PR) with your changes update-newcurrents-data
a) at https://github.com/CMS-LUMI-POG/PCCTools
b) let someone review and merge into the "master" - Keep your master in syne with CMS-LUMI-POG/PCCTools's master
a) git checkout master
b) git push YOURGITUSERNAME master
####Instructions for producing PCC ntuples:
cmsrel CMSSW_7_6_X
cd CMSSW_7_6_X/src
git cms-addpkg RecoLuminosity/LumiProducer
scram b -j 8
cd RecoLuminosity/LumiProducer/test/analysis/test
The script Run_PixVertex_LS.py can generate the PCC ntuples for data certification and other purposes.
The script crab3_dataCert_ZeroBiasSkim_150924.py can be modified to submit the CRAB jobs.
In the CRAB configuration file, "config.Data.runRange" should be the run numbers to be certified; "config.Data.inputDataset" can be fetched by " das_client --query='dataset dataset=/ZeroBias*/Run2015*Lumi*/ALCARECO run=RUN_NUMBER' "
To submit CRAB jobs:
crab submit -c crab3_dataCert_ZeroBiasSkim_150924.py