Create zenoss events from Puppet runs - even masterless ones.
##Synopsis This is a noddy python script that when started using the included old skool init script (read: "upstart is pants") will daemonize itself. Whilst lurking in the background, puppet-zenoss-event will use inotify to check when a file that suggests a puppet run has failed. It will then raise an event on a Zenoss instance to that effect.
None of this would be necessary if Puppet didn't abuse return codes.
##Caveat emptor - you get what you pay for This code might break stuff. But don't blame me, it was Puppet that chose to break Unix in the first place - I'm just the mopman cleaning up the mess they left behind.
The code itself works and is tested in production. No effort has been spent to make this easy to deploy on anything but Ubuntu - and even then it is left to the reader to figure out how to automate the install. Might I recommend fpm?
The code is quite naive - read it and see. There are config variables to set by hand. If there is interest, I can tidy things up but at the moment this is Good Enough.