IPR Client Release v7.0.0
- [DEVSU-2438] - analyst comments can't be deleted
- [DEVSU-2445] - POG1852: incorrect collapsing of variants from multiple statements into 1 KB match?
- [DEVSU-2469] - Signature in TO table appear as "undefined" in printed report
- [DEVSU-2470] - print view broken in dev
- [DEVSU-2482] - gene viewer not available for genes in therapeutic targets rows
- [DEVSU-2486] - enable adding signature-type kbmatches to therapeutic targets tables
- [DEVSU-2510] - when merged cells in therapeutic options spill over page break, repeat gene/variant cell content
- [DEVSU-2516] - rows with different contexts being merged in kbmatches tables
- [DEVSU-2546] - KB Matches active link set incorrectly
- [DEVSU-2549] - cancerType not a valid property for variant texts
- [DEVSU-2563] - update small mutation section default columns
- [DEVSU-2565] - fix rapid report drug names in summary table row popup
New Features
- [DEVSU-2459] - client updates to make report signatures customizable
- [DEVSU-2552] - Hide function for microbial field on Summary page
- [DEVSU-2461] - Hide SV burden from genomic report front page by default
- [DEVSU-2465] - add intersect_tmb_score to rapid report tumour summary section
- [DEVSU-2467] - update client to handle changed backend modelling of kbmatch/kbstatement
- [DEVSU-2479] - add notice re keycloak to user creation screen
- [DEVSU-2485] - gene viewer doesn't work for signature-type variants
- [DEVSU-2492] - add frontend support for kbmatches search
- [DEVSU-2505] - column updates for kbmatches in client
- [DEVSU-2506] - can't delete multimatch statement
- [DEVSU-2540] - turn off coalescing - temporarily?
- [DEVSU-2557] - handle preset, resettable kbmatch table assignment
- [DEVSU-2433] - Add checkbox for option to create GraphKB user when create new IPR user
- [DEVSU-2460] - only display signatures associated with the report type