Play codenames online!
cd client
cd ..
yarn dev
cd client
yarn build
cd ..
yarn start
✅ means it's implemented, ☢️ means it's not (yet):
Verb | Route | Description | |
✅ | GET |
/api/room/:id |
Get a room |
✅ | GET |
/api/user/:id |
Get a user |
✅ | PATCH |
/api/room/:room_id/join/:user_id |
Join a room |
✅ | PATCH |
/api/room/:room_id/state/:user_id |
Mark a person as ready or not |
☢️ | PATCH |
/api/room/:room_id/guess/:user_id {word: 'FOO'} |
Guess word "FOO" |
☢️ | PATCH |
/api/room/:room_id/finish-turn/:user_id |
Finish your turn |
✅ | PATCH |
/api/user/:user_id {name: 'foo'} |
Change a person's name |
✅ | PATCH |
/api/user/:user_id {pic: '❤️'} |
Change a person's emoji pic |
✅ | POST |
/api/room |
Create a room |
✅ | POST |
/api/user |
Create a user |
- create-react-app
- Express
- Postgres
- Heroku
- room: NOT_STARTED (default) | IN_PROGRESS
- user_x_room: NOT_READY (default) | READY
Screen #1: Homepage (url: /)
- 2 buttons:
- Create room:
- On press:
- POST /api/user, returns user ID (eg. 123) + store in LocalStorage
- POST /api/room, returns room ID (eg. "a653g2b")
- PATCH /api/room/(room ID)/join/(user ID)
- Redirect to: /api/rooms/(room ID)
- On press:
- Join room:
- On press: open input for room ID
- On submit:
- POST /api/user, returns user ID (eg. 123) + store in LocalStorage
- PATCH /api/room/(room ID)/join/(user ID)
- Redirect to: /api/room/(room ID)
- Create room:
- 2 buttons:
Screen #2: Room (url: /room/:room-id)
- All clients poll (every 1s): GET /api/room/(room ID)
- IF game state is "IN_PROGRESS", return React stuff for game
- OTHERWISE, return React stuff for lobby
- Lobby:
- Max 4 players
- Room ID in header
- Enter name field
- On submit: PATCH /api/user/(user ID)/name
- Lobby showing players
- Ready button
- On press: PATCH /api/room/(room ID)/ready
- If all players are ready:
- Changes game state to "IN_PROGRESS"
- If all players are ready:
- On press: PATCH /api/room/(room ID)/ready
- Renders "GAME READY"
Data model:
- room
- id (int)
- room_id (string)
- state (one of: "NOT_STARTED" by default, "IN_PROGRESS")
- colors (JSON-encoded 2D matrix of: "R", "B", "N", and "A")
- revealed_colors (JSON-encoded 2D matrix of booleans)
- words (JSON-encoded 2D matrix of strings)
- current_turn (one of: "R", "B")
- user
- id (int)
- user_id (string)
- name (string)
- profile pic? (string: emoji)
- room_x_user
- id (int)
- room_id (int)
- user_id (int)
- role (one of: "ASKER", "GUESSER")
- state (one of: "NOT_READY", "READY")
- color (one of: "R", "B")
- room
- Add a migration in prisma/migrations
- Run it:
psql -h host -d dbname -U user -f ./prisma/migrations/2.sql
- Regenerate the Prisma model:
npx prisma generate