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Move signatures to Domains_intf
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bclement-ocp committed Aug 2, 2024
1 parent 2462f71 commit fb5acb1
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Showing 5 changed files with 384 additions and 353 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/lib/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
Instances IntervalCalculus Intervals_intf Intervals_core Intervals
Ite_rel Matching Matching_types Polynome Records Records_rel
Satml_frontend_hybrid Satml_frontend Satml Sat_solver Sat_solver_sig
Sig Sig_rel Theory Uf Use Rel_utils Bitlist
Sig Sig_rel Theory Uf Use Domains_intf Rel_utils Bitlist
; structures
Commands Errors Explanation Fpa_rounding
Parsed Profiling Satml_types Symbols
Expand Down
10 changes: 4 additions & 6 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ type 'a explained = { value : 'a ; explanation : Explanation.t }

let explained ~ex value = { value ; explanation = ex }

module ExplainedOrdered(V : Rel_utils.OrderedType) :
Rel_utils.OrderedType with type t = V.t explained =
module ExplainedOrdered(V : Domains_intf.OrderedType) :
Domains_intf.OrderedType with type t = V.t explained =
type t = V.t explained

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,8 +194,6 @@ module BitvNormalForm = struct
| Atom of Atom.t * constant
| Composite of Composite.t * constant

type expr = X.r

let normal_form r =
let rec loop cte rev_acc = function
| [] -> (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1456,11 +1454,11 @@ let rec propagate_all uf eqs bdom idom =
let bitlist_changed = HX.create 17 in
let interval_changed = HX.create 17 in
let bitlist_events =
{ Rel_utils.evt_atomic_change = touch bitlist_changed bitlist_queue
{ Domains_intf.evt_atomic_change = touch bitlist_changed bitlist_queue
; evt_composite_change = touch bitlist_changed bitlist_queue
; evt_watch_trigger = touch_c bitlist_queue }
and interval_events =
{ Rel_utils.evt_atomic_change = touch interval_changed interval_queue
{ Domains_intf.evt_atomic_change = touch interval_changed interval_queue
; evt_composite_change = touch interval_changed interval_queue
; evt_watch_trigger = touch_c interval_queue }
Expand Down
Empty file added src/lib/reasoners/
Empty file.
344 changes: 344 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
(* *)
(* Alt-Ergo: The SMT Solver For Software Verification *)
(* Copyright (C) --- OCamlPro SAS *)
(* *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of OCamlPro *)
(* Non-Commercial Purpose License, version 1. *)
(* *)
(* As an exception, Alt-Ergo Club members at the Gold level can *)
(* use this file under the terms of the Apache Software License *)
(* version 2.0. *)
(* *)
(* --------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* *)
(* More details can be found in the directory licenses/ *)
(* *)

module X = Shostak.Combine

module type OrderedType = sig
(** Module signature for an ordered type equipped with a [compare] function.
This is similar to [Set.OrderedType] and [Map.OrderedType], but includes
pre-built [Set] and [Map] modules. *)

type t

val pp : t Fmt.t

val compare : t -> t -> int

module Set : Set.S with type elt = t

module Map : Map.S with type key = t

module type ComparableType = sig
(** Module signature combining [OrderedType] and [Hashtbl.HashedType].
This includes a pre-built [Table] module that implements the [Hashtbl.S]
signature. *)

include OrderedType

val equal : t -> t -> bool

val hash : t -> int

module Table : Hashtbl.S with type key = t

module type Domain = sig
type t
(** The type of domains for a single value.
This is an abstract type that is instanciated by the theory. Note that
it is expected that this type can carry explanations. *)

val equal : t -> t -> bool
(** [equal d1 d2] returns [true] if the domains [d1] and [d2] are
identical. Explanations should not be taken into consideration, i.e.
two domains with different explanations but identical semantics content
should compare equal. *)

val pp : t Fmt.t
(** Pretty-printer for domains. *)

exception Inconsistent of Explanation.t
(** Exception raised by [intersect] when an inconsistency is detected. *)

val filter_ty : Ty.t -> bool
(** Filter for the types of values this domain can be attached to. *)

type constant
(** The type of constant values. *)

val constant : constant -> t
(** [constant c] returns the singleton domain {m \{ c \}}. *)

val unknown : Ty.t -> t
(** [unknown ty] returns a full domain for values of type [t].
@raises Invalid_argument if [filter_ty ty] does not hold. *)

val add_explanation : ex:Explanation.t -> t -> t
(** [add_explanation ~ex d] adds the justification [ex] to the domain d. The
returned domain is identical to the domain of [d], only the
justifications are changed. *)

val intersect : t -> t -> t
(** [intersect d1 d2] returns a new domain [d] that subsumes both [d1]
and [d2]. Any explanation justifying that [d1] and [d2] apply to the
same value must have been added to [d1] and [d2].
@raise Inconsistent if [d1] and [d2] are not compatible (the
intersection would be empty). *)

val add_offset : t -> constant -> t
(** [add_offset ofs d] adds the offset [ofs] to domain [d]. *)

val sub_offset : t -> constant -> t
(** [sub_offset ofs d] removes the offset [ofs] from domain [d]. *)

type var
(** The type of (composite) variable this domain applies to. *)

type atom
(** The type of atomic variables this domain applies to. *)

val map_domain : (atom -> t) -> var -> t
(** [map_domain f c] constructs a domain for a composite variable [c] from a
function [f] that returns the domain of an atom. *)

module type EphemeralDomainMap = sig
(** This module provides a signature for ephemeral domain maps: imperative
mappings from some key type to a domain type. *)

type t
(** The type of ephemeral domain maps, i.e. an imperative structure mapping
keys to their current domain. *)

type key
(** The type of keys in the ephemeral map. *)

module Entry : sig
type t
(** A mutable entry associated with a given key. Can be used to access and
update the associated domain imperatively. A single (physical) entry is
associated with a given key. *)

type domain
(** The type of domains associated with an entry. *)

val domain : t -> domain
(** Return the domain associated with this entry. *)

val set_domain : t -> domain -> unit
(** [set_domain e d] sets the domain of entry [e] to [d]. This overwrites
any pre-existing domain associated with [e].
{b Note}: if you need to tighten an existing domain, this must be done
explicitely by accessing the current domain through [domain] before
calling [set_domain]. See {!MakEntryNotation}. *)

val entry : t -> key -> Entry.t
(** [entry t k] returns the entry associated with [k].
There is a unique entry associated with each key [k] that is created
on-the-fly when [entry t k] is called for the first time. Calling
[entry t k] with the same key will always return the same (physical)
The domain associated with the entry is initialized from the underlying
persistent domain (or the [default] function provided to [edit]) the first
time it is accessed, and updated with [set_domain] or [update]. *)

val ( !! ) : Entry.t -> Entry.domain
(** Return the domain associated with this entry. *)

val update : ex:Explanation.t -> Entry.t -> Entry.domain -> unit
(** [update ~ex e d] updates the domain associated with [e], intersecting it
with [d]. The explanation [ex] is added to [d].
@raises Domain.Inconsistent if the domains are incompatible. *)

module type DomainMap = sig
(** A persistent map to a domain type, with an ephemeral interface. *)

type t
(** The type of domain maps. *)

val pp : t Fmt.t
(** Pretty-printer for domain maps. *)

val empty : t
(** The empty domain map. *)

type key
(** The type of keys in the map. *)

type domain
(** The type of per-variable domains. *)

val find : key -> t -> domain
(** Find the domain associated with the given key.
@raise Not_found if there is no domain associated with the key. *)

val add : key -> domain -> t -> t
(** Adds a domain associated with a given key.
{b Warning}: If the key is not constant, [add] updates the domain
associated with the variable part of the key, and hence influences the
domains of other keys that have the same variable part as this key. *)

val remove : key -> t -> t
(** Removes the domain associated with a single variable. This will
effectively remove the domains associated with all keys that have the
same variable part. *)

val needs_propagation : t -> bool
(** Returns [true] if the domain map needs propagation, i.e. if the domain
associated with any variable has changed. *)

module Ephemeral : EphemeralDomainMap
with type key = key and type Entry.domain = domain

val edit :
notify:(key -> unit) -> default:(key -> domain) -> t -> Ephemeral.t
(** Create an ephemeral domain map from the current domain map.
[notify] will be called whenever the domain associated with a variable
The [default] argument is used to compute a default value for missing
keys. *)

val snapshot : Ephemeral.t -> t
(** Convert back a (modified) ephemeral domain map into a persistent one.
Only entries that had their value changed through [set_domain] are
updated. *)

module type NormalForm = sig
(** Module signature for normal form computations. *)

type constant
(** The type of constant values. *)

module Atom : ComparableType
(** Atomic variables cannot be decomposed further. *)

val type_info : Atom.t -> Ty.t
(** [type_info a] returns the type of atomic variable [x]. *)

module Composite : ComparableType
(** Composite variables are obtained through a combination of
atomic variables (e.g. a multi-variate polynomial). *)

val fold_composite : (Atom.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> Composite.t -> 'a -> 'a
(** [fold_composite f c acc] folds [f] over all the atoms that make up [c]. *)

type t =
| Constant of constant
(** A constant value. *)
| Atom of Atom.t * constant
(** An atomic variable with a constant offset. *)
| Composite of Composite.t * constant
(** A composite variable with a constant offset. *)
(** The type of normal forms. *)

val normal_form : X.r -> t
(** [normal_form e] computes the normal form of expression [e]. *)

type ('a, 'c, 'w) events =
{ evt_atomic_change : 'a -> unit
; evt_composite_change : 'c -> unit
(** Called by the ephemeral interface when the domain associated with a
variable changes. *)
; evt_watch_trigger : 'w -> unit
(** Called by the ephemeral interface when a watcher is triggered. *)
(** Handlers for events used by the ephemeral interface. *)

module type S = sig
module NF : NormalForm
(** The type of semantic value normal forms. *)

type domain
(** The type of domains associated with semantic values. *)

type watch
(** The type of watches to notify when domains change. *)

include Uf.GlobalDomain

val get : X.r -> t -> domain
(** [get r t] returns the domain associated with semantic value [r]. *)

val watch : watch -> X.r -> t -> t
(** [watch w r t] associated the watch [w] with the domain of semantic value
[r]. The watch [w] is triggered whenever the domain associated with [r]
changes, and is preserved across substitutions (i.e. if [r] becomes
[nr], [w] will be transfered to [nr]).
{b Note}: The watch [w] is also immediately triggered for a first
propagation. *)

val unwatch : watch -> t -> t
(** [unwatch w] removes [w] from all watch lists. It will no longer be
{b Note}: If [w] has already been triggered, it is not removed from the
triggered list. *)

val needs_propagation : t -> bool
(** Returns [true] if the domains needs propagation, i.e. if any variable's
domain has changed. *)

val variables : t -> NF.Atom.Set.t
(** Returns the set of atomic variables that are currently being tracked. *)

val parents : t -> NF.Composite.Set.t NF.Atom.Map.t
(** Returns a map from atomic variables to all the composite variables that
contain them and are currently being tracked. *)

module Ephemeral : sig
include EphemeralDomainMap
with type key = X.r and type Entry.domain = domain

(** The [Canon] module first computes the canonical representative in an
[Uf.t] instance before accessing the ephemeral map. *)
module Canon : EphemeralDomainMap
with type key = X.r and type Entry.domain = domain

val canon : Uf.t -> t -> Canon.t
(** Wraps the ephemeral domain map to first compute the canonical
representative in the current union-find environment prior to
accessing the ephemeral map.
{b Note}: The canonical map shares the same mutable space with the
original map. *)

val edit :
events:(NF.Atom.t, NF.Composite.t, watch) events -> t -> Ephemeral.t
(** [edit ~events t] returns an ephemeral copy of the domains for edition.
The [events] argument is used to notify the caller about domain changes
and watches being triggered.
{b Note}: Any domain that has changed or watches that have been
triggered through the persistent API (e.g. due to substitutions) are
immediately notified through the appropriare [events] callback. *)

val snapshot : Ephemeral.t -> t
(** Converts back an ephemeral domain into a persistent one. *)

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