I need to combine geomesa and geospark on spark, apache/sedona#253.
to execute use:
make run
fails with
ClassCastException: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.UnsafeArrayData cannot be cast to org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
when not using separate registrators. When doing so as suggested in apache/sedona#253
Catalog.expressions.foreach(f => FunctionRegistry.builtin.registerFunction("geospark_" + f.getClass.getSimpleName.dropRight(1), f))
Catalog.aggregateExpressions.foreach(f => sparkSession.udf.register("geospark_" + f.getClass.getSimpleName, f))
Exeption goes away. But geomesa is used. When renaming functions to geospark_ST_Point(x, y)
they no longer seem to be defined.
I can't find them in: