Lettered Keys is a mod for the game 'Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes'.
HTML: https://bdkuhman.github.io/LetterKeys/Lettered%20Keys%20Manual.html
PDF: https://bdkuhman.github.io/LetterKeys/Lettered%20Keys%20Manual.pdf
##Installation ##Steam Workshop page: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=745100131
#Manual: Ensure that you are on the modpreview Beta of Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes; in Steam, right click on the game and go to Properties, then go to the Betas tab, and in the drop-down, select modpreview. If all went well, you should be updating to the preview version, and once downloaded, the game's name should now have [modpreview] on the end of it.
Then, download the latest release of the module, and drop theLetterfolder into the '//Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes/mods' folder. (If the folder doesn't exist, create one for it).
Finally, run Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, enable mods, and then you should be getting this module in play!