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A Puppet module which installs and configures Observium monitoring software. For infomation about observium please see Observium

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with observium
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  5. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


A Puppet module to install Observium in a basic configuration on Ubuntu or RedHat.


What observium affects

Observium module installs and configures the following by default,

  • Apache
  • Mysql or MariaDB
  • Enable EPEL, remi-php and OpenNMS yum repo on RHEL.
  • Modifies\enables firewalld on RHEL
  • Installs required packages for Observium
  • Installs Observium software on the system
  • Configures Obersvium software on the system
  • Sets selinux into permissive mode on RHEL
  • Configures SNMP v3 on the observium host
  • Creates a certificate and key pay under /etc/ssl/observium_key.pem and observium_cert.pem

If you are managing yumrepos, firewall, selinux, snmp, mysql, apache within your control-repo you can disable configuring this by setting manage_{service} to false. See reference.

Setup Requirements

Please ensure you meet the dependency requirements and have the following in your Puppetfile.

  • puppetlabs-stdlib
  • puppet-archive
  • puppetlabs-yumrepo_core - only required for RHEL
  • puppetlabs-mysql
  • puppetlabs-cron_core
  • puppet-selinux - only required for RHEL
  • puppetlabs-apache
  • puppet-snmp
  • puppet-firewalld - only required for RHEL and if managing firewall
  • puppetlabs-resource_api
  • puppetlabs-firewall - only required for Ubuntu and if managing firewall
  • puppetlabs-translate
  • camptocamp-systemd

Password requirements

Beginning with the 3.0.0 release, default passwords are no longer provided by this module. This was a insecure default as every instances of observium setup with these defaults would use the same passwords.

With the removal of the default, users now need to specify these password when using this module. There are two methods to do this in Puppet.

  1. Via parameters through resource like declarations. (Least preferred as you cannot protect these values)
class { 'observium':
  db_password       => 'your_password_here',
  rootdb_password   => 'your_password_here',
  snmpv3_authpass   => 'your_password_here',
  snmpv3_cryptopass => 'your_password_here',
  admin_password    => 'very_secure',
  1. Via environment hiera. (Preferred as we can encrypt these values) Within environment hiera place the values like shown.
observium::db_password: "your_password_here"
observium::rootdb_password: "your_password_here"
observium::snmpv3_authpass: "your_password_here"
observium::snmpv3_cryptopass: "your_password_here"
observium::admin_password: "very_secure"

These values should be encrypted using the hiera-eyaml gem. See Puppet documentation.

Beginning with observium

In its most basic form you can install observium by

class { 'observium':
  db_password       => 'your_password_here',
  rootdb_password   => 'your_password_here',
  snmpv3_authpass   => 'your_password_here',
  snmpv3_cryptopass => 'your_password_here',
  admin_password    => 'very_secure',


Please see reference for details instructions on observium class paramaters.

Basic usage

  1. Setup Observium with custom certificates
class { 'observium': 
    manage_ssl      => true,
    custom_ssl_cert => '/opt/observium/ssl/cert.pem',
    custom_ssl_key  => '/opt/observium/ssl/key.pem',
  1. Setup Observium without managing Firewall or Apache (Note: you will need to configure apache manually or with another Puppet module)
class { 'observium':
    manage_fw     => false,
    manage_apache => false,
  1. Setup Observium on RHEL, specifying local repo and install location of Observium, can also be performed with Hiera. If your EPEL was hosted at myrepo.local and you saved the observium installer under /tmp
$my_repo = { 'epel' => {
    'ensure'   => 'present',
    'enabled'  => '1',
    'descr'    => 'Extra packages for enterprise linux',
    'baseurl'  => 'http://myrepo.local/epel7',
    'gpgcheck' => '1',
    'gpgkey'   => 'file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-7',
    'target'   => '/etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo',

class { 'observium':
    repos          => $my_repo,
    download_url   => '/tmp/',
    installer_name => 'observium-community-latest.tar.gz',


Observium doesn't provide an option to download anything other than the latest release of community edition Observium. I originally intended to provide an option of which version of Observium to install. This module will just install the latest Observium release.

Tested with the following setups.

  • PE 2021.7.2
    • Puppet 7.21.0
  • RHEL
    • 7
    • 8
    • 9
  • Rocky
    • 8
  • Ubuntu
    • 20.04 LTS
    • 22.04 LTS

RHEL specific limitations

RHEL 7 requires the following yum repos for installation - these will be automatically added if you host has internet connection.

RHEL 8 requires the following yum repos for installation - these will be automatically added if you host has internet connection.

/bin/dnf module -y install php:remi-7.2

RHEL 9 requires the following yum repos for installation - these will be automatically added if you host has internet connection.

/bin/dnf module -y install php:remi-8.2

Upgrading Observium

Please see Upgrading steps from Observium to upgrade. If you are managaing Observium with Puppet, please disable Puppet agent on your server before performing the upgrade steps. This module looks for the presence of '/opt/observium/VERSION' before extracting the observium tar ball. You can reenable Puppet once the upgrade is complete.

To disable Puppet manually on a host.

puppet agent --disable

To reenable

puppet agent --enable


If you find any issues with this module, please log them in the issues register of the GitHub project. Issues