1. The Web Architecture and How to Internet/Web works ?
2. Why Javascript is so important ?
3. Javascript in server-side ?
4. What are we going to learn ?
5. ES6 crash course.
In this article you will find out how to web works behind the scenes and all the involved parties in this operation.
A must have support that shows the road map of a web developer, including front-end back-end and devops.
Performance Comparison Between Node.js and Java EE
Since we're interested in java and JEE is the main technology in our curriculum. this is a simple comparison of the JEE vs Node.js performance.
there other cases where JEE overcome Node.js.
JavaScript Tutorial - JavaScript for Beginners | Mosh
This is a 50min javascript crash course. that contains all what you need to know to start coding in javascript or do our first application.
Create a simple application that gives user the hand to create some books. each book has id, title, description and author.
The user can delete the books
PS: the books array is stored in the local storage so that each time we refresh the page we still have the books.