This section assumes you have a mosey.db sqlite file. See below if you want to create and populate a new database.
.wd <- '~/projects/mycoolproject/analysis'
.dbPF <- file.path(.wd,'data/mosey.db')
db <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), .dbPF)
stdtb <- tbl(db,'study')
indtb <- tbl(db,'individual')
evttb <- tbl(db,'event')
Each example below shows you how to run a query on the database using dplyr, and the equivilent syntax using sql.
stdtb %>% select(study_id,study_name) %>% as_tibble
'select study_id, study_name from study' %>%
Note the differences between these two approaches. The first pulls all data into R and then counts the rows. The second counts the rows in the database and just returns a single number.
indtb %>% as_tibble %>% nrow
'select count(*) as num from individual' %>%
indtb %>% group_by(study_id) %>% summarize(num=n())
'select study_id, count(*) as num
from individual
group by study_id' %>%
evttb %>%
inner_join(indtb,by='individual_id') %>%
filter(study_id==12345) %>%
group_by(individual_id) %>%
'select i.individual_id, count(*) as num
from event e
inner join individual i
on e.individual_id = i.individual_id
where study_id = 12345
group by i.individual_id' %>%
Joining to a really large event table can take a long time. An alternative way to run this query is to use an sql subquery. I dont think this approach is possible using dplyr.
'select individual_id, count(*) as num
from event e
where individual_id in (
select individual_id from individual where study_id = 12345
group by individual_id' %>%
evttb %>%
inner_join(indtb,by='individual_id') %>%
group_by(study_id) %>%
summarize(min=min(timestamp), max=(timestamp))
'select i.individual_id, min(timestamp) as min, max(timestamp) as max
from event e
inner join individual i
on e.individual_id = i.individual_id
group by i.study_id' %>%
evttb %>%
'select * from event
where timestamp between "2019-09-01" and "2019-10-01"' %>%
See for example script.
Set up the environment. Set MOSEYDB_SRC
to the location of the mosey_db source code
export MOSEYDB_SRC=~/projects/mosey_db/src
cd $wd
mkdir -p data
Create the database
cat $MOSEYDB_SRC/db/create_db.sql | sqlite3 data/mosey.db
You can already view the database, even without any data. One great option is to use db browser
The mosey_db scripts will download data from movebank, then clean and load the data into the database.
In order to access movebank, make a file called auth.yml
and put it into the working directory. Add your movebank credentials to this file. See examples/auth.yml
for an example.
You specify which studies to download by creating a file in ctfs/study.csv. See examples/study.csv
for an example. Use the field run
to specify whether a study should be processed. Changing the value to a 1
will process the study and a 0
will ignore the study.
Run the load studies script to download, clean, and import data.
The raw data is downloaded into the ./<study_id>/raw
directory. After it is cleaned the data is saved into the ./<study_id>/clean
directory. mosey_db then loads the clean data into the database.
You can specify a different directory to hold the raw and clean csvs (e.g. an external disk)
$MOSEYDB_SRC/db/ --csvdir $csvdir
You can also specify a different directory to hold the database
$MOSEYDB_SRC/db/ --db $db
You can specify which of the subprocesses to run. To specify which subprocesses to run, use the process
parameter with the string 'dciv' (d=download, c=clean, i=import, v=validate).
For example, you might have already downloaded the data so you just need to clean, import and validate. In this case do the following.
$MOSEYDB_SRC/db/ --process civ
TOOD: examples using seperate download, clean, import, validate scripts.