Simple app written in Laravel for user management. The app uses a SQLite database stored in the database file database\database.sqlite. Here you can find a simple graph illustrating the domain model and the ER Database chart.
This app implements the following stories.
- As an admin I can add users — a user has a name.
- As an admin I can delete users.
- As an admin I can assign users to a group they aren’t already part of.
- As an admin I can remove users from a group.
- As an admin I can create groups.
- As an admin I can delete groups when they no longer have member
In the routes/web.php file you can find the Rest API related to the operations indicated in the stories. The rest API uses controllers that implement the features required in the stories. The controllers are:
- LoginController: implements the login API
- UserController: implements the user/group API
HTML pages have been implemented that represent the font-end of the application and are the following:
- welcome: home page
- login: login page and list of users
- groups: list of the groups
Creating the project using composer
In the terminal: composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel ums -
Configuration of Sqlite database
Edit the file .env and write the path of the file in DB_DATABASE variable Edit the file .env.testing and define connection in config/database.php -
Create database tables You must edit the file in database/migrations to change the columns of the default users table and adding some users as default. After that you need to create a group table with the following teminal command:
php artisan make:migration create_groups_table --create=groups
and edit the new file with the Laravel ORM syntax, adding some groups as default. After that you need to create a table users_groups with the command:
php artisan make:migration create_users_group_table --create=users_groups
and edit the generated file. To create the database structure and data you should use the terminal command:
php artisan migrate -
Create model classes for the database objects with the following commands:
php artisan make:model User
php artisan make:model Group
php artisan make:model UsersGroup -
You need to create the API controller using the following terminal command
php artisan make:controller LoginController
php artisan make:controller UserController -
Now you can write the API in the file route/web.php
Create the php view page modifying and cloning the file views/welcome.blade.php
Try the web app using the followind terminal command: php artisan serve
You can manipulate data using a very useful terminal php shell using the command php artisan tinker and try this code example.
View all users in database
\App\User::all(); -
Find a user with the id = 1
\App\User::find(1); -
Create a new user $new = new \App\User();
$new->name="Sansa Stark";
$new->email="[email protected]";
echo $new; -
Get all the user of admin group
\DB::table('users')->join("users_groups", "users_groups.user_id", "=", "")->where('users_groups.group_id', 1)->select("","")->get();
For testing purpose an "in memory" database is created with the same initial data (phpunit, see config file .env.testing).