Solve the monodomain equation using Finite Volume Method.
The project is divided in 4 parts.
- Skeleton_Mesh
- Mesh_Generator
- Pk-Noble
- Pk-LiRudy
- PURPOSE: Build the skeleton for the network mesh.
- INPUT: Length of the fiber
- INPUT: Number of fibers leaving a bifurcation
- INPUT: Type of network
- INPUT: Name of the output file
- The output file is using the .vtk extension.
- To visualize the structure open the output file using Paraview
- There are 3 types of network that could be generated:
- Fiber with a bifurcation at the endpoints (Type 1);
- Fiber with iterative growth (Type 2);
- Fiber with iterative growth and angle control (Type 3).
- For the Type 2 and 3 network the maximum number of iterations and angle control can be adjusted by the variables MAX_ITER and ANG, respectevely.
Build and execute
$ make
$ ./skeletonMesh <xMax> <biff> <type> <out_VTK_file>
$ ./skeletonMesh 1.0 2 3 example.vtk
This example will build a network of type 3 with two segments leaving each bifurcation and a fiber length of 1cm.
- PURPOSE: Build the mesh network that will be used to solve FVM. The mesh is constructed by providing a type of cell, which is size of the space discretization.
- INPUT: network generated by the SkeletonMesh program must be provided.
- INPUT: type of the cell that make up the fiber
- pig = 68 um
- dog = 164 um
- test1 = 75 um
- test2 = 100 um
- test3 = 125 um
- test4 = 150 um
- test5 = 175 um
- test6 = 200 um
- The output file must defined with the extension ".msh".
- The syntax of the ".msh" file is defined as
Build and execute
$ make
$ ./meshGenerator example.vtk example.msh
- These flags are turned on by editing the
. - -DDIAMETER: Activate the variable diameter length of the Purkinje cells between each growing iteration (for Experiment 4 and 5).
- PURPOSE: Solve the monodomain equation using the Noble celullar model from 1962 (
- INPUT: Type of the solution
- -t: SteadyState
- -s: Solver
- INPUT: Size of the time discretization
- INPUT: Maximum simulation time
- INPUT: Mesh file generated by the MeshGenerator (use the extension ".msh")
- INPUT: SteadyState filename (use the extension ".sst")
- INPUT: Plot filename (use extension ".plt")
- INPUT: Gamma parameter (for the PMJ simulations)
- INPUT: Diameter of the Purkinje cell
- To run this program the Eigen library version 3.3.4 must be installed.
- To install the Eigen library follow these steps:
- Download the version 3.3.4 library at:
- Extract the ".zip" file to a folder
- On that folder do the following
$ mkdir build; cd build $ cmake .. $ make $ make install
- The CMake plataform should be also be installed to proper build the Eigen library.
- To install the CMake plataform just execute
$ sudo apt-get install cmake; sudo apt-get upgrade
- These flags are turned on by editing the
. - -DOUTPUT: Activate the visual output on the terminal screen
- -DVTK: Activate the writing of the ".vtk" files, enabling the visualization of the simulation on Paraview. Files are written on the folder ./VTK
- -DDIAMETER: Activate the variable diameter length of the Purkinje cells between each growing iteration (for Experiment 4 and 5).
- -DPMJ: Activate the PMJs.
- PURPOSE: Solve the monodomain equation using the Li and Rudy celullar model from 2011 (
- INPUT: Type of the solution
- -t: SteadyState
- -s: Solver
- INPUT: Size of the time discretization
- INPUT: Maximum simulation time
- INPUT: Mesh file generated by the MeshGenerator (use the extension ".msh")
- INPUT: SteadyState filename (use the extension ".sst")
- INPUT: Plot filename (use extension ".plt")
- INPUT: Gamma parameter (for the PMJ simulations)
- INPUT: Diameter of the Purkinje cell
- To run this program the Eigen library version 3.3.4 must be installed.
- To install the Eigen library follow these steps:
- Download the version 3.3.4 library at:
- Extract the ".zip" file to a folder
- On that folder do the following
$ mkdir build; cd build $ cmake .. $ make $ make install
- The CMake plataform should be also be installed to proper build the Eigen library.
- To install the CMake plataform just execute
$ sudo apt-get install cmake; sudo apt-get upgrade
- These flags are turned on by editing the
. - -DOUTPUT: Activate the visual output on the terminal screen
- -DVTK: Activate the writing of the ".vtk" files, enabling the visualization of the simulation on Paraview. Files are written on the folder ./VTK
- -DDIAMETER: Activate the variable diameter length of the Purkinje cells between each growing iteration (for Experiment 4 and 5).
- -DPMJ: Activate the PMJs.
- There are additional codes used in this project:
- Python scripts to build the figures
- A graph network reader/parser for VTK files
- A network visualizer
- It is possible to run each experiment by just executing the following shell script locate on the folder of each celullar model.
- Example of how to execute the Experiment 3 simulations:
$ ./ --sst; ./ --solver
- This will first execute the steady state simulation for the range of parameters defined on the header of the script.
- Store the output files with the state variables of all control volumes on the SteadyState folder
- And then execute the solver simulation
- The output files are then stored on the Results folder