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add a RINEX3.03 NAV message parser & writer, move to fmt-6.1.2, move …
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…some functions to, add 'rinreport' which checks RINEX collections for completeness, yolo up navcat a bit
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ahupowerdns committed Feb 4, 2020
1 parent b427fb2 commit bad00b4
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Showing 24 changed files with 403 additions and 8,425 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ glo-ops.txt
# - git version internals

# Prerequisites
Expand Down
38 changes: 21 additions & 17 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
CFLAGS = -O3 -Wall -ggdb

CXXFLAGS:= -std=gnu++17 -Wall -O2 -MMD -MP -fno-omit-frame-pointer -Iext/CLI11 \
-Iext/fmt-5.2.1/include/ -Iext/powerblog/ext/simplesocket -Iext/powerblog/ext/ \
-Iext/fmt-6.1.2/include/ -Iext/powerblog/ext/simplesocket -Iext/powerblog/ext/ \
-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include/ \
-Iext/sgp4/libsgp4/ \
Expand All @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ endif
CHEAT_ARG := $(shell ./update-git-hash-if-necessary)

PROGRAMS = navparse ubxtool navnexus navcat navrecv navdump testrunner navdisplay tlecatch reporter \
galmonmon rinreport

all: $(PROGRAMS)

Expand All @@ -30,50 +30,54 @@ H2OPP=ext/powerblog/h2o-pp.o
SIMPLESOCKETS=ext/powerblog/ext/simplesocket/swrappers.o ext/powerblog/ext/simplesocket/sclasses.o ext/powerblog/ext/simplesocket/comboaddress.o

rm -f *~ *.o *.d ext/*/*.o $(PROGRAMS) navmon.pb.h $(patsubst,%.o,$(wildcard ext/sgp4/libsgp4/*.cc)) $(H2OPP) $(SIMPLESOCKETS)
rm -f ext/fmt-5.2.1/src/format.o
rm -f *~ *.o *.d ext/*/*.o ext/*/*.d $(PROGRAMS) navmon.pb.h $(patsubst,%.o,$(wildcard ext/sgp4/libsgp4/*.cc)) $(H2OPP) $(SIMPLESOCKETS)
rm -f ext/fmt-6.1.2/src/format.[do] ext/sgp4/libsgp4/*.d ext/powerblog/ext/simplesocket/*.d

decrypt: decrypt.o bits.o ext/fmt-5.2.1/src/format.o
decrypt: decrypt.o bits.o ext/fmt-6.1.2/src/format.o
$(CXX) -std=gnu++17 $^ -o $@

navparse: navparse.o ext/fmt-5.2.1/src/format.o $(H2OPP) $(SIMPLESOCKETS) minicurl.o ubx.o bits.o navmon.pb.o gps.o ephemeris.o beidou.o glonass.o $(patsubst,%.o,$(wildcard ext/sgp4/libsgp4/*.cc)) tle.o navmon.o coverage.o osen.o trkmeas.o influxpush.o ${EXTRADEP} githash.o
navparse: navparse.o ext/fmt-6.1.2/src/format.o $(H2OPP) $(SIMPLESOCKETS) minicurl.o ubx.o bits.o navmon.pb.o gps.o ephemeris.o beidou.o glonass.o $(patsubst,%.o,$(wildcard ext/sgp4/libsgp4/*.cc)) tle.o navmon.o coverage.o osen.o trkmeas.o influxpush.o ${EXTRADEP} githash.o
$(CXX) -std=gnu++17 $^ -o $@ -pthread -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/ -lh2o-evloop -lssl -lcrypto -lz -lcurl -lprotobuf $(WSLAY)

reporter: reporter.o ext/fmt-5.2.1/src/format.o $(SIMPLESOCKETS) minicurl.o ubx.o bits.o navmon.pb.o gps.o ephemeris.o beidou.o glonass.o $(patsubst,%.o,$(wildcard ext/sgp4/libsgp4/*.cc)) tle.o navmon.o coverage.o osen.o githash.o
reporter: reporter.o ext/fmt-6.1.2/src/format.o $(SIMPLESOCKETS) minicurl.o ubx.o bits.o navmon.pb.o gps.o ephemeris.o beidou.o glonass.o $(patsubst,%.o,$(wildcard ext/sgp4/libsgp4/*.cc)) tle.o navmon.o coverage.o osen.o githash.o
$(CXX) -std=gnu++17 $^ -o $@ -pthread -L/usr/local/lib -lprotobuf -lcurl

galmonmon: galmonmon.o ext/fmt-5.2.1/src/format.o $(SIMPLESOCKETS) minicurl.o ubx.o bits.o navmon.pb.o gps.o ephemeris.o beidou.o glonass.o $(patsubst,%.o,$(wildcard ext/sgp4/libsgp4/*.cc)) tle.o navmon.o coverage.o osen.o githash.o
galmonmon: galmonmon.o ext/fmt-6.1.2/src/format.o $(SIMPLESOCKETS) minicurl.o ubx.o bits.o navmon.pb.o gps.o ephemeris.o beidou.o glonass.o $(patsubst,%.o,$(wildcard ext/sgp4/libsgp4/*.cc)) tle.o navmon.o coverage.o osen.o githash.o
$(CXX) -std=gnu++17 $^ -o $@ -pthread -L/usr/local/lib -lprotobuf -lcurl

navdump: navdump.o ext/fmt-5.2.1/src/format.o bits.o navmon.pb.o gps.o ephemeris.o beidou.o glonass.o navmon.o $(patsubst,%.o,$(wildcard ext/sgp4/libsgp4/*.cc)) tle.o sp3.o osen.o trkmeas.o githash.o ${EXTRADEP}
$(CXX) -std=gnu++17 $^ -o $@ -L/usr/local/lib -pthread -lprotobuf
navdump: navdump.o ext/fmt-6.1.2/src/format.o bits.o navmon.pb.o gps.o ephemeris.o beidou.o glonass.o navmon.o $(patsubst,%.o,$(wildcard ext/sgp4/libsgp4/*.cc)) tle.o sp3.o osen.o trkmeas.o githash.o rinex.o ${EXTRADEP}
$(CXX) -std=gnu++17 $^ -o $@ -L/usr/local/lib -pthread -lprotobuf -lz

navdisplay: navdisplay.o ext/fmt-5.2.1/src/format.o bits.o navmon.pb.o gps.o ephemeris.o beidou.o glonass.o ephemeris.o navmon.o osen.o githash.o
navdisplay: navdisplay.o ext/fmt-6.1.2/src/format.o bits.o navmon.pb.o gps.o ephemeris.o beidou.o glonass.o ephemeris.o navmon.o osen.o githash.o
$(CXX) -std=gnu++17 $^ -o $@ -L/usr/local/lib -pthread -lprotobuf -lncurses

navnexus: navnexus.o ext/fmt-5.2.1/src/format.o $(SIMPLESOCKETS) ubx.o bits.o navmon.pb.o storage.o githash.o
navnexus: navnexus.o ext/fmt-6.1.2/src/format.o $(SIMPLESOCKETS) ubx.o bits.o navmon.pb.o storage.o githash.o
$(CXX) -std=gnu++17 $^ -o $@ -L/usr/local/lib -pthread -lprotobuf

navcat: navcat.o ext/fmt-5.2.1/src/format.o $(SIMPLESOCKETS) ubx.o bits.o navmon.pb.o storage.o navmon.o githash.o
navcat: navcat.o ext/fmt-6.1.2/src/format.o $(SIMPLESOCKETS) ubx.o bits.o navmon.pb.o storage.o navmon.o githash.o
$(CXX) -std=gnu++17 $^ -o $@ -L/usr/local/lib -pthread -lprotobuf

navrecv: navrecv.o ext/fmt-5.2.1/src/format.o $(SIMPLESOCKETS) navmon.pb.o storage.o githash.o
navrecv: navrecv.o ext/fmt-6.1.2/src/format.o $(SIMPLESOCKETS) navmon.pb.o storage.o githash.o
$(CXX) -std=gnu++17 $^ -o $@ -L/usr/local/lib -pthread -lprotobuf

tlecatch: tlecatch.o $(patsubst,%.o,$(wildcard ext/sgp4/libsgp4/*.cc)) githash.o
$(CXX) -std=gnu++17 $^ -o $@ -L/usr/local/lib -pthread -lprotobuf

rinreport: rinreport.o rinex.o githash.o navmon.o ext/fmt-6.1.2/src/format.o ephemeris.o osen.o
$(CXX) -std=gnu++17 $^ -o $@ -lz -pthread navmon.proto
protoc --cpp_out=./ navmon.proto

ubxtool: navmon.pb.o ubxtool.o ubx.o bits.o ext/fmt-5.2.1/src/format.o galileo.o gps.o beidou.o navmon.o ephemeris.o $(SIMPLESOCKETS) osen.o githash.o
ubxtool: navmon.pb.o ubxtool.o ubx.o bits.o ext/fmt-6.1.2/src/format.o galileo.o gps.o beidou.o navmon.o ephemeris.o $(SIMPLESOCKETS) osen.o githash.o
$(CXX) -std=gnu++17 $^ -o $@ -L/usr/local/lib -lprotobuf -pthread

testrunner: navmon.pb.o testrunner.o ubx.o bits.o ext/fmt-5.2.1/src/format.o galileo.o gps.o beidou.o ephemeris.o sp3.o osen.o navmon.o
$(CXX) -std=gnu++17 $^ -o $@ -L/usr/local/lib -lprotobuf
testrunner: navmon.pb.o testrunner.o ubx.o bits.o ext/fmt-6.1.2/src/format.o galileo.o gps.o beidou.o ephemeris.o sp3.o osen.o navmon.o rinex.o githash.o
$(CXX) -std=gnu++17 $^ -o $@ -L/usr/local/lib -lprotobuf -lz

check: testrunner
13 changes: 11 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,11 +68,20 @@ xDOP getDOP(Point& us, vector<Point> sats)
return ret;

// in covmap:
// 0
// lon,
// 1 2 3
// numsats5, numsats10, numsats20
// 4 5 6
// pdop5, pdop10, pdop20
// hdop5, hdop10, hdop10
// vdop5, vdop10, vdop20
covmap_t emitCoverage(const vector<Point>& sats)
covmap_t ret;
ofstream cmap("covmap.csv");
cmap<<"latitude longitude count5 count10 count20"<<endl;
// ofstream cmap("covmap.csv");
// cmap<<"latitude longitude count5 count10 count20"<<endl;
double R = 6371000;
for(double latitude = 90 ; latitude > -90; latitude-=2) { // north-south
double phi = M_PI* latitude / 180;
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion ext/fmt-5.2.1/

This file was deleted.

278 changes: 0 additions & 278 deletions ext/fmt-5.2.1/include/fmt/color.h

This file was deleted.


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