Announcing WinBatchX 18 Beta Build 1770
Pre-releaseToday WinBatchX is releasing Build 1770 to the general public for testing in the beta test channel. As you see, WinBatchX 18 has entered the beta channel. The build number has also increased by 100 numbers for other builds (18.S, 16.2+, 17.1+)
Quick Read: This build includes numerous app releases for WinBatchX and a few bugs you should check below. This build is also merged with a later build of 1700 (thats was not released) and bumps up the kernel version to 0.7.
Whats new..
Introducing Task View
In this build, we introduced a early, working version of Task View Beta. This feature can be used to show what current apps are running on WinBatchX. This feature is currently at it's earliest development and will get updated throughout the next few builds.
WinBatchX Calculator Release
WinBatchX 18 now has a released Calculator App! The app's functions are mostly imported from 16.0's release. Calculator is able to be dragged around the desktop. Windowed Mode is now the calculator app, which can be found on the start menu. Improvements to Windowed Mode will be used on the next version of WinBatchX.
Calculator cannot except input from the keyboard. This app does have a fix for keyboard input only in the app.
WinBatchX Security
Also in this build is a early release of WinBatchX Security. This app currently has a scan button and descriptions on security and WinBatchX.
- We merged WinBatchX Build 1770 with the last build (1665). It has a few changes visually, but there were intergity checks in the code.
[WBX-Wide Changes]
- Fixed up the right click start menu button actions.
- We accidently turned off mica in this build, but we are also expermenting with a better color for all of our apps.
- When running an app, using a feature and clicking out of it, it will now go back to the app rather than the desktop.
- Due to new merges with newer builds, the desktop will be more responsive to your mouse cursor (only slightly).
- Updated the active button for the Notification/Action Center.
- Updates to the taskbar app focus now tells you if the running app on the taskbar is open or not.
[Start Menu]
- Removed the build number at the bottom of the start menu.
- Reduced the size of the user photo on the bottom of the start menu.
- We reupdated the non-existant border for All Apps and locations of some of the text in the menu.
- The power button (when clicked) will show a border on the button.
- Changed the outline color of the power menu to match the design of WinBatchX.
- Regulated in-the-hood code for start menu API.
- Lightened the color of the search icon on the top of the start menu. (Not shown below)
- Added icons to the power menu buttons. (Below)
[Apps: All Apps..]
- Changed the control buttons to only a close button. (All apps have fixes for the removal of the minimize button.)
- Updated the about section in WinBatchX Settings.
- We also fixed the update bug from 'config.yml' in the WinBatchX Settings App.
- We changed the windowed mode settings for a better responsive drag.
- The control buttons now work. Use the control buttons (the close button on the right-top side) to end Calculator.
- Debuged the in-rigged variables with notes for devs (and me).
- Fixed why the app did not show it's icon.
- The app is now executable in WinBatchX build 1770. The actual app is not in beta in this time.
Current bugs:
- WinBatchX sometimes crashes when typing from the keyboard.
- When setting the data-settings.bat file, it will spam its contents on the command line.
- When finishing the terminal prompt, the desktop will stop working due to the last key typed letter on the keyboard from the prompt.
- The configuration for taskbar allignment is not working in this build, and will not save your settings. It will be fixed with a new set of configuration changes in the coming builds.
- When opening file explorer, then using a feature on the taskbar and closing it, the top bar of the app will not appear (it shows the desktop background instead).
- The date on the desktop on startup will not work unless you 'refresh' the taskbar (by right clicking the desktop and clicking refresh).
- Calculator may be less responsive due to fixes in the Windowed Mode App before the merge into calculator.
The quantum kernel is in pre-development stage. Builds in WinBatchX 18 will also not be compatible with older builds. After WinBatchX 18 is released, any released shipped without the new quantum kernel will be dropped and unsupported.