Site vitrine de Maestro
Based on Bedrock
- Better folder structure
- Dependency management with Composer and WordPress Packagist
- Easy WordPress configuration with environment specific files
- Environment variables with Dotenv
- Autoloader for mu-plugins (use regular plugins as mu-plugins)
- Enhanced security (separated web root and secure passwords with wp-password-bcrypt)
With few more features added by Scalingo
- Configurable from var environment
- File Uploads sent to S3 Bucket by default with S3-Uploads plugin
Actual WordPress version :
Please refer to the instructions in the Scalingo documentation.
Update composer.json
to update the WordPress branch you need.
"require": {
// ...
"roots/wordpress": "~6.5",
// ...
Then run:
docker-compose run --rm web composer update
Run locally to test WordPress is working, then commit composer.json
and composer.lock
A Docker Compose file is available to run the WordPress locally. You first need to install the dependencies with:
docker-compose run --rm composer install --prefer-source --no-interaction --ignore-platform-reqs
Then start the Nginx:
docker-compose up nginx
Simple command for install plugins:
docker-compose run --rm composer require --ignore-platform-reqs wpackagist-plugin/{PLUGIN_NAME}
You can find plugins
on Wordpress Packagist
Example to install akismet
docker-compose run --rm composer require --ignore-platform-reqs wpackagist-plugin/akismet
Simple command for install themes:
docker-compose run --rm composer require --ignore-platform-reqs wpackagist-theme/{THEME_NAME}
You can find themes
on Wordpress Packagist
Example to install hueman
docker-compose run --rm composer require --ignore-platform-reqs wpackagist-theme/hueman
Bedrock documentation is available at