Algorithms and Data Structure studies for FEUP. This repository contain exercises and (in a near future) 2 projects.
The instructions for each problem are located in Instructions only in portuguese.
The solutions have a folder called lib
for googleTest testing framework and a Tests
which contains the code for the problem and test cases.
1º pratical class: Classes and const variables. (19th September of 2019)
Solution: aeda1920_fp01
Instructions: aeda1920_fp01.pdf
Clean Exercise: aeda1920_fp01
Official solution: Oficial_solution_fp01 -
2º pratical class: inherent and polymorphism. (02th October of 2019)
Solution: aeda1920_fp02
Instructions: aeda1920_fp02.pdf
Clean Exercises: aeda1920_fp02
Official solution: Oficial_solution_fp02 -
2º pratical class (extra): polymorphism and static members (04th October of 2019)
Solution: aeda1920_fp02_extra
Instructions: aeda1920_fp02_extra.pdf
Clean Exercises: aeda1920_fp02_extra -
3º pratical class: templates and exception handling (08th October of 2019)
Solution: aeda1920_fp03
Instructions: aeda1920_fp03.pdf
Clean Exercises: aeda1920_fp03
Official solution: Oficial_solution_fp03 -
4º pratical class: Search algorithm, Sort algorithms (Bubble and insertion Sort), Complexity (17th October of 2019) Solution: aeda1920_fp04
Instructions: aeda1920_fp04.pdf
Clean Exercises: aeda1920_fp04
Official solution: Oficial_solution_fp04 -
5º pratical class: Lists (29th October of 2019)
Solution: aeda1920_fp05
Instructions: aeda1920_fp05.pdf
Clean Exercises: aeda1920_fp05
Official solution: Oficial_solution_fp05 -
6º pratical class: Queue and Stack (05th November of 2019)
Solution: aeda1920_fp06
Instructions: aeda1920_fp06.pdf
Clean Exercises: aeda1920_fp06
Official solution: Oficial_solution_fp06 -
7º pratical class: Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees (20th November of 2019)
Solution: aeda1920_fp07
Instructions: aeda1920_fp07.pdf
Clean Exercises: aeda1920_fp07
Official solution: Oficial_solution_fp07 -
9º pratical class: Hash table (24th November of 2019)
Solution: aeda1920_fp09
Instructions: aeda1920_fp09.pdf
Clean Exercises: aeda1920_fp09
Official solution: Oficial_solution_fp09 -
10º pratical class: Priority queues (14th December of 2019)
Solution: aeda1920_fp10
Instructions: aeda1920_fp10.pdf
Clean Exercises: aeda1920_fp10
Official solution: Oficial_solution_fp10