Added the Product Sync feature to Product List page.
Added Welcome screen and Connect Account screen.
Refactored JS code in Gutenberg modules to use ES6 React syntax (removes usage of wp
global React wrapper).
Refactored other JS modules for extendability and moved i18n strings to PHP JS_Config.
Reorganized JS modules and structure for easier readability.
Added a new indicator in the Gutenberg products block to let the user know if they chose filters that produce no results.
Added support for displaying estimated tax amounts in the cart.
Refactored Analytics data tags to utilize Segment Analtyics.js script.
Improved focus pointer UX elements when editing the product block.
Rendered redesigned panels in Settings UI.
Refactored settings screen registration and rendering.
Prevented editing API credential settings if they are set using constants or environment variables.
Replaced GA/Pixel controller with Segment controller.
Fixed a bug with the Gutenberg editor where the Featured filter was not showing up when reopening a saved block.
Fixed a bug with the cart template where product removal was canceled by a missing template node.
Fixed a bug with the cart where updating product qty was updating the remote cart but the API response changed causing an ajax error.
Fixed a bug with product pages where product review body text was not showing. Existing products should be re-imported to show reviews.
Fixed an issue with the admin Products UI where default settings were not being applied when using the classic editor.
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