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Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories.
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The following required functionalities are completed (this is a sample):
- The user can see a list of the 20 latest top news stories, loaded dynamically from newsapi.
- For each story, the user sees a headline, the source, a link to more, and an image.
- The user can see the total number of stories currently shown.
The following optional features are implemented:
- The user can click a link at the bottom of the page to load the next 20 stories. The page should not refresh; the stories should simply be added to the bottom.
- The user can see an updated number of stories currently shown.
- The user can see how long ago the story was published in a human-friendly format; e.g. "15 minutes ago".
The following Rocket Challenge 1: Sources features are implemented:
- The user can see a checkbox for every unique source of the articles loaded. For example, if the user loads four stories, and two stories are from bbc-news, one from cnn, and one from spiegel-de, the user would see three checkboxes: bbc-news, cnn, spiegel-de.
- Next to the source name, the user sees a number representing the number of stories from that source. To continue the previous example: bbc-news (2), cnn (1), spiegel-de (1).
- The user can toggle the checkbox to hide or show stories from that source in the list.
The following Rocket Challenge 2: Categories features are implemented:
- The user can see links or a dropdown that represent the various categories for stories. Selecting on one of these links fetches a new batch of stories of the selected category.
- The user should see new stories related to the category she chose.
- The user should see a new or modified URL, with a query parameter representing the chosen category. For example, clicking on entertainment would add ?category=entertainment to the URL. The page should not refresh. To do this, look at URLSearchParameters and PushState.
- The user should be able to load a page with the appropriate query parameter and automatically have the appropriate stories shown.
Time spent: 24 hours spent in total.
Describe any challenges encountered while building the app.
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