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Releases: biorand/classic

BioRand 3.1.6

17 Oct 23:30
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  • [Fix] #541: RE 3, Sheva model is glitched in HD.
  • [Fix] #563: RE 3, Murphy model is glitched in HD.
  • [Fix] #610: RE 3, room 10D, crash when playing as Regina.
  • [Fix] #615: RE 3, swap player character can be enabled via pasting a seed.
  • [Fix] #617: RE 3, room 30F, crash due to random enemies.
  • [Fix] #619: RE 3, room 504, crash in middle of cutscene.
  • [Fix] #620: RE 1, room 30F, crash due to wasp attack during cutscene.
  • [Fix] #621: RE 2, room 409, unable to use valve handle.
  • [Fix] #622: RE 3, Claire model is glitched in HD.
  • [Fix] #623: RE 3, room 508, crash due to EM67.
  • [Fix] #626: RE 2, room 60C, door not randomized.
  • [Fix] RE 1, room 308, enemies in Jill cutscene.
  • [Fix] RE 1, room 609, crash due to hunter ambush.
  • [Fix] RE 2, room 60A, vines replaced with zombies.

BioRand 3.1.5

12 Oct 23:54
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  • [Fix] RE 2, some rooms crash when G-Adult is present.

BioRand 3.1.4

10 Oct 19:33
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  • [Feature] Add new slider for % of rooms with enemies.
  • [Feature] RE 1, add many more playable character.
  • [Feature] RE 1, show warning if bio1dc is found.
  • [Feature] RE 1, Add Orca (Neptune skin).
  • [Feature] RE 1, Add piano melodies from RE 0, and RE:CV.
  • [Feature] RE 2, add G-adult, and G-embryo.
  • [Feature] RE 2, add room 408, 409 pair to door randomizer.
  • [Feature] RE 2, enable spider and ivy poison in every room.
  • [Feature] RE 2, guest registration now required to open door.
  • [Feature] RE 2, room 208, enable special key locker.
  • [Change] RE 1, improve enemy balancing.
  • [Change] Improve random enemy proportions.
  • [Change] Disable title screen demos that auto-play if idle.
  • [Fix] #566: RE 1, Yawn poison can not be healed with blue herb.
  • [Fix] #574: RE 2, room 21B, Irons might not have a gun.
  • [Fix] #575: RE 1, room 406, crash due to enemy in cutscene.
  • [Fix] #577: RE 1, room 40A, small key not placed for desk.
  • [Fix] #579: RE 1, room 20E, crash when enemy is Neptune.
  • [Fix] #580: RE 3, Wesker (RE1R) + shotgun causes crash in some rooms.
  • [Fix] #583: RE 1, room 306, crash during cutscene due to baby spiders.
  • [Fix] #584, #588: scripted enemy IDs not unique.
  • [Fix] #585: RE 1, room 61A, enemies can attack you during radio cutscene.
  • [Fix] #586: RE 1, room 60F bar, enemies during cutscene.
  • [Fix] #587: RE 3, room 20C, Nikolai might not have a gun.
  • [Fix] #593: RE 1, room 205, crash due to snake bite in cutscene.
  • [Fix] #598: RE 3, room 315, crash due to enemy change.
  • [Fix] #599: RE 1, room 50C, Rebecca NPC has incorrect voice.
  • [Fix] #603: RE 3, room 218, killing dogs can crash the game.
  • [Fix] #611: RE 3, room 205, NPC EM67 crashes the game.
  • [Fix] RE 1, battery is not placed in lab segment.
  • [Fix] RE 1, issues with Chris 8-slot stacking.
  • [Fix] RE 1, room 306, typo in exclude name.
  • [Fix] RE 1, room 307, crash due to snake bit during cutscene.
  • [Fix] RE 1, room 30F, crash due to snake bit during cutscene.
  • [Fix] RE 2, incorrect enemy ratios.
  • [Fix] RE 3, incorrect enemy ratios.
  • [Fix] RE 3, room 205, crash due to Marvin 2 NPC.
  • [Fix] RE 3, room 300, enemy spawns during cutscene.

BioRand 3.1.3

07 Sep 21:46
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  • [Feature] RE 1, add Carlos, Irons, Marvin, Nikolai, and Wesker (RE 5) as playable characters.
  • [Fix] #565: RE 1, Chris, random items in inventory slot 7,8.
  • [Fix] #568: RE 1, room 405, enemies present during cutscene.
  • [Fix] #569: RE 1, Enrico does not have a gun.
  • [Fix] #570: RE 3, room 310, enemies present during cutscene.
  • [Fix] #572: RE 1, room 10E, crash when enemy is adder.
  • [Fix] RE 1, 10F, crash during cutscene due to bees.
  • [Fix] RE 1, 20A, crash during cutscene due to mini spiders.
  • [Fix] RE 1, room 116, pickup always has amount 7.
  • [Fix] RE 1, room 212, 408, 502, 508, Richard is too slow.
  • [Fix] RE 1, room 302, stuck when ladder is locked.

BioRand 3.1.2

05 Sep 20:09
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  • [Change] Add BSAA radio voice clips.
  • [Change] RE 1, change enemy names.
  • [Change] RE 1, room 212, force cutscene for Jill door rando.
  • [Change] RE 3, add RDT integrity check.
  • [Feature] RE 1, add Kendo, Lott, and Sherry as a playable character.
  • [Feature] RE 1, add random enemy placements.
  • [Feature] RE 1, allow Chris to use 8 inventory slots.
  • [Feature] RE 1, allow using herbs when at full health.
  • [Feature] RE 1, enable Neptune as a kill-able enemy.
  • [Feature] RE 1, Tyrant 2 fight is now guaranteed in door randos.
  • [Feature] RE 2, add Leon (RE 6) as a playable character.
  • [Feature] RE 2, add wasp enemy skin.
  • [Fix] #229: RE 1, combining large amount of ammo with Flamethrower would overflow.
  • [Fix] #325: RE 3, an error occured during generation with randomize NPCs.
  • [Fix] #475: RE 1, room 305, player sometimes changes.
  • [Fix] #540: RE 3, room 20B, graphical issues during cutscene.
  • [Fix] #546: RE 3, room 211, crash due to NPC EM67.
  • [Fix] #549: RE 3, room 107, crash due to reused global enemy ID.
  • [Fix] #550: RE 3, room 402, Hunter may not spawn in cutscene.
  • [Fix] #552: RE 3, room 20C, crash due to Marvin NPC.
  • [Fix] #552: RE 3, room 211, crash due to Marvin NPC.
  • [Fix] #553: RE 3, 205, crash due to NPC EM67.
  • [Fix] #556: RE 2, room 608 NPC out of place during cutscene.
  • [Fix] #556: RE 2, room 612 NPC out of place during cutscene.
  • [Fix] #561: RE 3, room 502, 508, 50C, incorrect voices during cutscene.
  • [Fix] Incorrect voices when only one character is available.
  • [Fix] RE 1, 30F, locked lift causes softlock.
  • [Fix] RE 1, improve partner handling for 8 slot inventory.
  • [Fix] RE 1, incorrect enemy sounds for Jill.
  • [Fix] RE 1, incorrect hit scan when swap is on but change player isn't.
  • [Fix] RE 1, player animation height.
  • [Fix] RE 1, randomize Rebecca / partner character.
  • [Fix] RE 1, room 112, enable closet door in door rando.
  • [Fix] RE 1, room 207, enable broken door in door rando.
  • [Fix] RE 1, room 502, improve logic for Jill.
  • [Fix] RE 1, room 513, 70C, NPC was always Barry.
  • [Fix] RE 1, zombie death and vine grab player sounds were incorrect.
  • [Fix] RE 2, room 408, NPC might not have a gun.
  • [Fix] RE 3, Jake has corrupted face texture.
  • [Fix] RE 3, room 20D, incorrect Carlos voice.
  • [Fix] RE 3, room 20E, door rando, camera locked after cutscene.
  • [Fix] RE 3, room 408, 40A, only use NPCs with weapon.

BioRand 3.1.1

06 Aug 22:32
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  • [Feature] Add option for title voice randomization.
  • [Feature] RE 2, add US/EUR item placements.
  • [Feature] RE 3, add Nemesis, and Sheva as playable characters.
  • [Change] Move Barry and Billy radio voice samples to misc category.
  • [Fix] #513: RE 3, Annette model has texture issues.
  • [Fix] #514: RE 1, room 118, key item placed in 618.
  • [Fix] #515: RE 2, 401, Claire A, crash due to partner being Ben.
  • [Fix] #520: RE 1, Jill (RE3) voices are sometimes silent.
  • [Fix] #525: RE 3, 107, crash due to Marvin 2 as NPC.
  • [Fix] #526: RE 2, room 404, Claire A, crash due to Ben NPC.
  • [Fix] #527: RE 2, room 608, moths may crash the game.
  • [Fix] #529: RE 1, room 500, softlock when escape sequence active.
  • [Fix] #530: RE 3, Zombies during Carlos segment have incorrect meshes and UV.
  • [Fix] #531: RE 3, room 11B, NPC has glitched textures.
  • [Fix] #535: RE 1, room 106, incorrect voice for acid round cutscene.
  • [Fix] RE 1, 203, NPC has incorrect voice.
  • [Fix] RE 1, 20D, NPC has incorrect voice.
  • [Fix] RE 1, various sound conversion issues.
  • [Fix] RE 2, missing PLWs for Claire and Rebecca.
  • [Fix] RE 3, 105, crash caused by Irons NPC.
  • [Fix] RE 3, 50A, crash caused by Marvin NPC.
  • [Fix] RE 3, Ashley caused crashes.
  • [Fix] RE 3, Krauser has graphical issues.
  • [Fix] RE 3, starting handgun ammo is sometimes another handgun.

BioRand 3.1.0

27 Jul 23:09
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  • [Feature] Add fully randomized voice lines option.
  • [Feature] Add reduce awkward silences option.
  • [Feature] All NPC EMD files now auto generated from PLD files.
  • [Feature] Allow zombies to be a random character.
  • [Feature] Applicable randomized NPCs now have a random gun.
  • [Feature] Random enemy skins.
  • [Feature] RE 1, Kenneth now randomized.
  • [Feature] RE 1, Random NPCs now keep their correct animations.
  • [Feature] RE 1, Add Ark, Barry, Jill (RE3), Steve as playable characters.
  • [Feature] RE 2, Ben, Irons, and Marvin now fully replaced with any character.
  • [Feature] RE 2, Mayor's daughter now randomized.
  • [Feature] RE 2, Add Alexia, Alfred, Dario, David, Lott, Nemesis, Nikolai, Rachael, Tyrell as playable characters.
  • [Feature] RE 3, Add Alexia, Alfred, Annette (RE2R), Ashley, Ben, Chris, Chris (CV), Dario, David, Enrico, Kendo, Irons, Piers, Rebecca, Tyrell, Wesker, Wesker (RE5) as playable characters.
  • [Enhancement] Increase size of enemy bar chart.
  • [Enhancement] RE 1, Chris / Jill voice during lab computer now randomized.
  • [Change] Update Regina's voice files.
  • [Fix] #482: RE 3, room 50A, crash due to NPC change
  • [Fix] #491: RE 3, room 112, Brad replacing Marvin EMD crashes game
  • [Fix] #501: RE 2, room 301, Ben -> Hunk has wrong body texture
  • [Fix] #509: RE 2, scenario B, power room key always in 603
  • [Fix] Ada character replacement has odd mesh morphing.
  • [Fix] RE 1, player hurt sounds not correct in cave / lab
  • [Fix] RE 1, room 71A, softlock when ladder is locked
  • [Fix] RE 2, room 113, Claire voice lines can overlap

BioRand 3.0.9

04 Jul 22:46
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  • [Fix] #463: RE 2, Leon A/B, Sherry height is wrong when grabbed by enemies.
  • [Fix] #466: RE 1, swap characters crashes apart from Chris / Jill.
  • [Fix] #470: RE 2, room 409, Claire A/B, crash when random enemy placement is on.
  • [Fix] #472: RE 3, room 315, crash when enemies are changed.
  • [Fix] #480: RE 3, room 104, softlock if the player ignores lighter oil item.
  • [Fix] error: resampling not yet supported for stereo.
  • [Fix] RE 1, EMW files are not replaced.
  • [Fix] RE 1, weapon hit scan is incorrect when swapping characters.
  • [Fix] RE 2, Sherry (RE2R) has incorrect height during cutscenes.
  • [Fix] RE 2, some female EMDs don't have hurt texture pages.

BioRand 3.0.8

27 Jun 22:01
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  • [Feature] Add music tracks from RE 1 remake.
  • [Feature] RE 1, RE 2, allow Leon/Claire characters to be swapped.
  • [Feature] RE 2, Allow partner to be a male character.
  • [Fix] #270: RE 2, Claire B, Magnum/Shotgun cannot kill enemies.
  • [Fix] #446: Enemies sliders not working properly.
  • [Fix] #447: RE 1, room 603, crash when hunter jumps you.
  • [Fix] #449: RE 3, room 105, NPC change to 96 crashes the game.
  • [Fix] #451: RE 3, room 206, enemies not disabled for post-basement cutscene.
  • [Fix] #452: RE 3, doors to rooms originally connected to room 105 are locked.
  • [Fix] #454: RE 2, room 405, Leon A, 6+ spiders crashes the game.
  • [Fix] #457: RE 3, room 122, enemy event crashes the game if not zombie.
  • [Fix] #458: RE 3, room 10F, killing dogs crashes the game.
  • [Fix] #459: RE 1, room 306, crash when picking up item which is replaced with a document.
  • [Fix] #460: RE 2, room 219, possible crash when Ben is replaced with EM5A.
  • [Fix] #461: RE 3, room 105, NPC change to 95 crashes the game.
  • [Fix] #462: RE 3, room 507, enemies unable to move.
  • [Fix] RE 2, Sherry weapon hit scan.

BioRand 3.0.7

17 Jun 15:08
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  • [Fix] #443: RE 3, new characters animations glitch or crash.