Releases: biorand/classic
Releases · biorand/classic
BioRand 2.0.0
- Annette, Ben, Brad, Hunk, Irons, Kendo, Marvin are now playable characters.
- Barry, Chris, Enrico, Jill, Rebecca, Richard, and Wesker are now playable characters.
- Barry, Chris, Enrico, Jill, Rebecca, Richard, and Wesker can now be NPCs (requires RE1 game data).
- Beretta now available for all male and female playable charactes.
- Bowgun, Colt, Grenade Launcher, and Sparkshot are now available for all male playable characters.
- Resident Evil 1 door randomizer now implemented.
- Boss music tracks now shuffled separately from danger music tracks.
- Additional music tracks from RE 2 remake added.
- Music tracks can now be shuffled between Resident Evil 1 and 2.
- [Fix] #61: "You Unlocked It" Freeze at ventilation shaft.
- [Fix] #64: Room 200 rando assumed ladder was down.
- [Fix] #66: Room 216 Softlock possible when NPC is Claire or Ben.
- [Fix] #68: Room 700 for B scenario crashes in door rando.
BioRand 1.3.3
- [Fix] Final door locked in scenario A
- [Fix] Clipped audio samples are silent when using HQ sound pack
BioRand 1.3.2
- [Change] Some underlying logic has been changed to cater for upcoming RE1 randomizer.
- [Enhancement] Characters now avoid saying a voice line that directly mentions a character not in the room.
- [Enhancement] Improved non-key item distribution.
- [Fix] #42: Room 300 voice incorrect for Ben
- [Fix] #54: Allow alternative routes can cause softlock with Leon
- [Fix] #56: Room 504 Two BGM tracks are playing at the same time
- [Fix] #57 Lift in pump room is often in incorrect state
- [Fix] #58 Room 60E lickers can be knocked off platform
BioRand 1.3.0
BioRand v1.3.0
- [Feature] Add buttons to view the generation log
- [Feature] Add some extra BGM from RE4
- [Feature] Add some extra save room BGM from various RE games
- [Feature] Add visualization for enemy types
- [Enhancement] Add random chance of Brad zombies
- [Enhancement] Include Claire A vaccine related items in door randos
- [Enhancement] Do not spawn keys for unconnected doors
- [Fix] #33: Room 216 Annette swap causes softlock
- [Fix] #43: Room 21B revisiting the room in a door rando can cause incorrect camera angle
- [Fix] #44: Room 10E, 216, 500 Irons can cause cutscene softlock
- [Fix] #45: Room 20A, 20B moths crash the game
- [Fix] #46: Room 60A chute doesn't always require the lighter
- [Fix] #47: Room 40E should not be left unconnected
- [Fix] #48: Room 608, 617 play two music tracks
- [Fix] #49: Room 401 sometimes camera angle is wrong when going down ladder
- [Fix] #50: Room 40E Claire B softlock if Sherry partner flag is already set
- [Fix] #51: Room 30B Ada model glitch due to NPC swap
- [Fix] #52: Room 606 softlock due to "can't go back now" message
- [Fix] #53: Room 40A softlock caused by partner flag during aligator fight
- [Fix] Browse dialog crash if initial directory does not exist
- [Fix] Inconsistent text size on generated background
- [Change] Make documents in stars office low priorty
- [Change] Prevent plugs from spawning in room 701
- [Change] Increase chance of rooms with cutscenes being included in door randos
- [Change] Reduce chance of same NPC as player and force NPCs to be swapped to a different character
- [Change] Reduce 'S.T.A.R.S. room' desk inspection from 50 down to 5
- [Change] Rename 'Prevent soft lock' to 'Safe key placement'
BioRand 1.2.2
- [Enhancement] Allow previously disabled locker items to be randomized
- [Enhancement] Guarantee weapons for harder enemy difficulties
- [Enhancement] Make the seed font clearer on the background
- [Enhancement] Randomize NPCs for room 702
- [Fix] #31: Room 219 unable to go through door after triggering Ben cutscene
- [Fix] #32: First licker in corridor is silent
- [Fix] #34: Item 501:2 should require the lighter
- [Fix] #35: Setting all item ratios to 0 crashes biorand and will not open again
- [Fix] #36: Room 603 radio cutscene causes incorrect camera angle in door rando
- [Fix] #38: No grenade rounds are generated
- [Fix] #39: Room 40E Claire B Sherry cutscene sometimes crashes the game
BioRand 1.2.1
- [Feature] Add a pie chart to user interface to show item pickup distribution
- [Feature] Add version and seed info to in-game backgrounds
- [Enhancement] Allow more enemy types for Leon in room 21A
- [Fix] #22: Sparkshot pickup always has only 1% ammo
- [Fix] #23: Room 21B elevator glitches when unlocked
- [Fix] #24: Room 60C for door rando has a camera glitch
- [Fix] #25: Room 402 soft lock caused by sherry NPC switch
- [Fix] #26: Room 614 soft lock possible if document is replaced in door rando with key item
- [Fix] #27: Room 213 door rando causes Japanese translation to crash when inspecting puzzle
- [Fix] #28: Room 208 document is not randomized
- [Fix] #30: In some rooms, replaced enemies are silent
BioRand 1.2.0
- [Feature] Add documentation link to user interface
- [Feature] Add a file integrity warning when generating a rando
- [Feature] Add an ETA to the user interface for door rando
- [Enhancement] Avoid identical seeds for both scenarios
- [Enhancement] Prevent lickers, dogs, tyrants in crowded rooms for easy enemy difficulty
- [Enhancement] Room 60A is now a bridge node.
- [Fix] #6: Hall ladder is an unlock
- [Fix] #8: Room 60A to 609 link breaks door rando
- [Fix] #9: Room 404 crash due to NPC swap
- [Fix] #10: Room 10A licker replacement enemy is not on ground
- [Fix] #11: Room 30D exiting as Claire switches player to Sherry
- [Fix] #12: Room 502 incorrect camera angle for Claire
- [Fix] #14: Room 109, 20C tyrant encounters cause camera glitches and soft lock
- [Fix] #15: Some door lock IDs were duplicated causing some doors to not require a key or randomly unlock
- [Fix] #16: Soft lock may occur when 'alternative routes' is enabled
- [Fix] #18: Room 601 soft lock due to early Sherry spawn
- [Fix] #19: Room 608 cutscene locks doors and can cause soft lock
- [Fix] #20: Room 216 Claire door rando connects blocked door causing soft lock
- [Fix] Room 409 crash due to NPC swap
- [Fix] Room 612 crash due to NPC swap
- [Fix] NPCs that did not get swapped would keep same voice lines
- [Fix] NPCs that could get swapped, always got swapped
BioRand 1.1.0
- [Feature] Door randomization can now be enabled
- [Feature] Show more helpful error message if access is denied
- [Fix] #1: G-Virus is swapped when enabling 'Shuffle default items'
- [Fix] #2: Error is given when setting all item ratios to 0
- [Fix] #3: Room 410, NPC change can crash
- [Fix] #4: Room 301, NPC change can soft lock
- [Fix] #5: Randomize optional reverse-player sections
- [Fix] 3 small keys are now placed for Leon B
- [Fix] Randomize Fuse Case
BioRand 1.0.1
- Fix generation for game structures that do not contain a data directory.
BioRand 1.0.0
First release of BioRand, with initial support for Resident Evil 2.