Opinionated ReStructured Text (.rst) Formatter inspired by Black.
Remember: RST Files wear pink EVERY day of the week.
Works well with doc8
There's only one file, so read it if you want the docs.
pip3 install pinkrst
pip install pinkrst
pink file.rst # to process individual file
pink --max-line-length 100 file.rst # set max line length
pink # to process files in dir and recursively processes sub-folder files
pink --no-recurse # to process files in dir WITHOUT recusion
# to process files recursively in dir WITHOUT ensuring there's a trailing newline at the end of files
pink --disable-trailing-newline
# or go crazy, see next section
pink --no-recurse --disable-replace-tabs --spaces-per-tab 4 --disable-smart-wrap --max-line-length 100 directory/
Argument | Description |
-h, --help |
Show help message and exit. |
-rx, --no-recurse |
Turns off recursively parsing subdirectories. Recursion is enabled by default. |
--disable-no-trailing-whitespace |
Disables the removal of trailing whitespace on each line |
--disable-replace-tabs |
Disables replacing tabs with spaces |
--spaces-per-tab SPACESPERTAB |
Specifies the number of spaces to replace each tab with. Default is 4 spaces. |
--disable-trim-excess-empty-lines |
Disables trimming excess empty lines from files. |
--disable-trailing-newline |
Disable ensuring that files end with a newline character. |
--disable-smart-wrap |
Disable intelligently wraping long lines that exceed a specified width. |
--max-line-length LINELENGTH |
Sets the maximum line length after which wrapping should occur. Default is 120 characters. |