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module "istio-oss-stack" {
  #count  = var.enable_istio_oss_stack ? 1 : 0
  source = "git::[email protected]:blackpegaz/terraform-istio-oss-stack.git?ref=beta-v2"

  # Global
  domain = ""
  istio_enabled = true
  # istio_platform = "gcp"

  # Common parameters for all istiod instances  
  istio_istiod_overlay_helm_values = {}

  # Map of istiod instances
  istio_istiod_instance = {
    "1-19" = {
      version = "1.19.4"
      revision = "1-19"
      is_default_revision = false
      revisiontags_binding = "old-stable"
      helm_values = {}

    "1-20" = {
      version = "1.20.2"
      revision = "1-20"
      is_default_revision = true
      revisiontags_binding = "stable"
      helm_values = {
        "pilot": {
          "autoscaleEnabled": true,
          "autoscaleMax": 3,
          "autoscaleMin": 2
  # istio-ingressgateway
  istio_ingressgateway_enabled = true
  istio_ingressgateway_version = "1.20.2"
  istio_ingressgateway_revision_binding = "stable"
  istio_ingressgateway_overlay_helm_values = {}

  istio_ingressgateway_create_shared_secured_gateway = false
  # kiali
  kiali_operator_enabled = true
  kiali_operator_version = "1.77.0"
  kiali_operator_accessible_namespaces = ["istio-system","demo.*"]
  kiali_operator_overlay_helm_values = {}

  # jaeger
  jaeger_operator_enabled = true
  jaeger_operator_version = "2.49.0"
  jaeger_operator_overlay_helm_values = {}

  # cert-manager
  cert_manager_enabled = true
  cert_manager_version = "v1.13.3"
  cert_manager_overlay_helm_values = {}

  # kube-prometheus-stack
  kube_prometheus_stack_enabled = true
  kube_prometheus_stack_version = "55.5.0"


Name Version
terraform ~> 1.5.5
helm ~> 2.12.1
http 3.4.1
kubectl >= 2.0.4
kubernetes 2.25.2


Name Version
helm 2.12.1
http 3.4.1
kubectl 2.0.4
kubernetes 2.24.0


No modules.


Name Type
helm_release.cert_manager resource
helm_release.istio_base resource
helm_release.istio_cni resource
helm_release.istio_ingressgateway resource
helm_release.istio_istiod resource
helm_release.jaeger_operator resource
helm_release.kiali_operator resource
helm_release.kube_prometheus_stack resource
kubectl_manifest.base_crd_crdallgen resource
kubectl_manifest.base_crd_operator resource
kubectl_manifest.cert_manager_crd_crds resource
kubectl_manifest.istio_ingressgateway_backendconfig resource
kubectl_manifest.istio_ingressgateway_shared_secured_gateway resource
kubectl_manifest.istio_istiod_revisiontags_canary resource
kubectl_manifest.istio_istiod_revisiontags_default resource
kubectl_manifest.istio_istiod_revisiontags_old_stable resource
kubectl_manifest.istio_istiod_revisiontags_stable resource
kubectl_manifest.jaeger_operator_crd_crds resource
kubectl_manifest.jaeger_operator_instance_allinone resource
kubectl_manifest.kiali_operator_crd_crds resource
kubernetes_namespace_v1.cert_manager_namespace resource
kubernetes_namespace_v1.istio_base_namespace resource
kubernetes_namespace_v1.istio_ingressgateway_namespace resource
kubernetes_namespace_v1.jaeger_operator_namespace resource
kubernetes_namespace_v1.kiali_operator_namespace resource
kubernetes_namespace_v1.kube_prometheus_stack_namespace resource
helm_template.istio_istiod_revisiontags_canary data source
helm_template.istio_istiod_revisiontags_default data source
helm_template.istio_istiod_revisiontags_old_stable data source
helm_template.istio_istiod_revisiontags_stable data source
http_http.base_crd_crdallgen data source
http_http.base_crd_operator data source
http_http.cert_manager_crd_crds data source
http_http.jaeger_operator_crd_crds data source
http_http.kiali_operator_crd_crds data source
kubectl_file_documents.base_crd_crdallgen data source
kubectl_file_documents.base_crd_operator data source
kubectl_file_documents.cert_manager_crd_crds data source
kubectl_file_documents.istio_istiod_revisiontags_canary_docs data source
kubectl_file_documents.istio_istiod_revisiontags_default_docs data source
kubectl_file_documents.istio_istiod_revisiontags_old_stable_docs data source
kubectl_file_documents.istio_istiod_revisiontags_stable_docs data source
kubectl_file_documents.jaeger_operator_crd_crds data source
kubectl_file_documents.kiali_operator_crd_crds data source


Name Description Type Default Required
cert_manager_enabled Flag to enable or disable the installation of cert-manager components bool true no
cert_manager_helm_repo The URL of the cert-manager Helm repository string "" no
cert_manager_namespace The name of the cert-manager namespace string "cert-manager" no
cert_manager_overlay_helm_values Any values to pass as an overlay to the cert-manager Helm values any {} no
cert_manager_version The version of the cert-manager Helm release string "" no
crds_sensitive_fields List of fields (dot-syntax) which are sensitive and should be obfuscated in output. This feature is used here to reduce the size of the output for the CRDs. list(any)
domain The FQDN used to configure external urls"

Example: ""
string n/a yes
istio_base_crds_version The version of the istio-base CRDs string "" no
istio_base_enabled Flag to enable or disable the installation of istio-base components bool true no
istio_base_namespace The name of the istio-base namespace string "istio-system" no
istio_base_overlay_helm_values Any values to pass as an overlay to the istio-base Helm values any {} no
istio_base_version The version of the istio-base Helm release string "" no
istio_cni_enabled Flag to enable or disable the installation of istio-cni components bool true no
istio_cni_namespace The name of the istio-cni namespace string "kube-system" no
istio_cni_overlay_helm_values Any values to pass as an overlay to the istio-cni Helm values any {} no
istio_cni_version The version of the istio-cni Helm release string "" no
istio_enabled Flag to enable or disable the installation of all istio components bool true no
istio_helm_repo The URL of the Istio Helm repository string "" no
istio_ingressgateway_backendconfig_name The name of the istio-ingressgateway BackendConfig (Only if platform is equal to GCP) string "istio-ingressgateway" no
istio_ingressgateway_create_namespace Flag to enable or disable the creation of the istio-ingressgateway namespace bool true no
istio_ingressgateway_create_shared_secured_gateway Flag to enable or disable the creation of the Istio Shared Secured Gateway bool true no
istio_ingressgateway_enabled Flag to enable or disable the installation of istio-ingressgateway components bool false no
istio_ingressgateway_namespace The name of the istio-ingressgateway namespace string "istio-ingress" no
istio_ingressgateway_overlay_helm_values Any values to pass as an overlay to the istio-ingressgateway Helm values any {} no
istio_ingressgateway_revision_binding The binding to either the "canary", "stable" or "old-stable" revisionTag string "stable" no
istio_ingressgateway_shared_secured_gateway_name The name of the istio-ingressgateway of the Istio Shared Secured Gateway string "istio-ingressgateway" no
istio_ingressgateway_shared_secured_gateway_namespace The name of the istio-ingressgateway/shared-secured-gateway namespace string "istio-ingress" no
istio_ingressgateway_version The version of the istio-ingressgateway Helm release string "" no
istio_istiod_enabled Flag to enable or disable the installation of istio-istiod components bool true no
istio_istiod_instance Map of objects used to configure one or more instances of istio-istiod.

Example: {
"1-19" = {
version = "1.19.3"
revision = "1-19"
is_default_revision = true
revisiontags_binding = "stable"
helm_values = {
"pilot": {
"autoscaleEnabled": true,
"autoscaleMax": 3,
"autoscaleMin": 2
any {} no
istio_istiod_namespace The name of the istio-istiod namespace string "istio-system" no
istio_istiod_overlay_helm_values Any values to pass as an overlay to the istio-istiod Helm values any {} no
istio_oss_stack_default_nodeselector Map of key/value pairs used to configure nodeSelector for the entire stack.

Example: {"disktype":"ssd"}
map(any) {} no
istio_platform (Optional) Platform where Istio is deployed. Possible values are: "openshift", "gcp", "".
An empty value means it is a vanilla Kubernetes distribution, therefore no special treatment will be considered.

Default: ""
string "" no
jaeger_helm_repo The URL of the Jaeger Helm repository string "" no
jaeger_operator_create_instance_allinone Flag to enable or disable the creation of a Jaeger All-in-One instance bool true no
jaeger_operator_enabled Flag to enable or disable the installation of jaeger-operator components bool true no
jaeger_operator_instance_allinone_affinity Map of objects used to configure affinity rules for the Jaeger All-in-One instance.

"nodeAffinity": {
"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution": {
"nodeSelectorTerms": [
"matchExpressions": [
"key": "",
"operator": "In",
"values": [
map(any) {} no
jaeger_operator_instance_allinone_image_version The version of the Jaeger All-in-One instance image string "1.52.0" no
jaeger_operator_namespace The name of the jaeger-operator namespace string "observability" no
jaeger_operator_overlay_helm_values Any values to pass as an overlay to the jaeger-operator Helm values any {} no
jaeger_operator_version The version of jaeger-operator Helm release string n/a yes
kiali_helm_repo The URL of the Kiali Helm repository string "" no
kiali_operator_accessible_namespaces List of namespaces which are accessible to the Kiali server itself. Only these namespaces will be displayed into the Kiali UI.

Example: ["istio-system","mycorp_.*"]
list(any) [] no
kiali_operator_enabled Flag to enable or disable the installation of kiali-operator components bool true no
kiali_operator_namespace The name of the kiali-operator namespace string "kiali-operator" no
kiali_operator_overlay_helm_values Any values to pass as an overlay to the kiali-operator Helm values any {} no
kiali_operator_version The version of the kiali-operator Helm release string n/a yes
kube_prometheus_stack_enabled Flag to enable or disable the installation of the kube-prometheus-stack components bool true no
kube_prometheus_stack_helm_repo The URL of the kube-prometheus-stack Helm repository string "" no
kube_prometheus_stack_namespace The name of the kube-prometheus-stack namespace string "monitoring" no
kube_prometheus_stack_overlay_helm_values Any values to pass as an overlay to the kube-prometheus-stack Helm values any {} no
kube_prometheus_stack_version The version of the kube-prometheus-stack Helm release string "" no
prometheus_url The URL used to query the Prometheus Server.

Example: "http://kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus.monitoring.svc:9090"
string "" no
revisiontags_canary The name of the "revisionTag" which is bound to the "canary" Istio revision. Your app should only reference this revisionTag in case of a canary upgrade. string "prod-canary" no
revisiontags_old_stable The name of the "revisionTag" which is bound to the "old-stable" Istio revision. This is the previous stable revision you expect to remove when all the workload will be migrated to the new stable revision. string "old-stable" no
revisiontags_stable The name of the "revisionTag" which is bound to the "stable" Istio revision. Your app should reference this revisionTag when there is no canary upgrade in progress. string "prod-stable" no


Name Description
istio Informations regarding Istio installation.


Opiniated terraform module to manage an Istio OSS stack.







No packages published
