This package is a demo showing how to implement and deploy a custom Background Explorer application instance. It is possible to use this as a starting point for further modification.
Installation should be as simple as running
from the project top-level directory. This will set up a virtual environment 'virtenv' in the current working directory. First 'venv' will be tried, which requires python >=3.4 (I think?), and if that is not found, virtualenv. If neither of these can be found, installation will abort. To use a different python than the OS default for installation, one can do
PYTHON=/path/to/alternate/python ./
The application requires access to a mongodb server to store the models and simulation data. The default configuration file ( assumes an unsecured mongodb server running on localhost. This is not recommended for production environments. To access a secured and/or remote server, change the appropriate URI settings in the config file.